Never A Better Time For Men

In some ways there has never been a better time in history to be a man.  Makes no sense right?

I know, I know.  There is an all-out war on masculinity.  The devil’s army is pumping our boys with xenoestrogens and medications.

They are teaching that it’s cool to wear makeup and shit.  Our most famous Olympian is now a walking circus.

Corporations and government  push more qualified men aside for women and transsexuals to satisfy quotas and/or reward harlots who fornicated their way up the ladder.

The dating scene is rough for single men as 80% of the women compete for the top 20% of men.  However, the competition for life in general has never been lighter for regular masculine men with the balls to approach women, speak hard truths and take what they want (legally of course!).

I don’t really write game articles.  I have been out of the dating scene and in a committed relationship for a while now.

Viewing things from the outside, you see stuff you miss when you’re in the game.  Sitting on my porch and driving around my northeast shithole area paints a picture of great opportunity for men willing to make basic self improvements.

I see an inordinate number of 20 and 30 something women walking dogs alone.  The dogs they walk say a lot.

It’s one extreme to the next.  You don’t see many labs and retrievers.  It’s always either a pit bull or a tiny tea cup pooch.

This tells you what she is missing or longing for.  The one with the pit bull is craving masculinity.  She wants to be protected and led.

Those with the teacup in a stroller (lunatics) want a child.  They are not getting either from Mr. Skinny-Fat with no chin, no muscle tone and bad posture.

The guy walking next to her in a mask is not giving her what her DNA makes her crave.  BTW-if a man wears a mask outside or even owns an N-95 mask for a reason other than his occupation, he is a total pussy.

I see this constantly.  This tells me that standing up straight, having an above average fitness level, breathing oxygen rather than your own CO2 and not being in debt can be a game changer.

Throwing in some reading and doing the opposite of what the mainstream says or what you hear that women want will bring you up another notch.  The media and oligarchs have been poisoning female minds for the better part of a century to deny their DNA.

Most women have no idea what they want because they have been lied to.  Yet somehow as Mike Cernovich long ago pointed out, 50 Shades of Grey sold in huge numbers because women truly want to be led.

Also, the busier we are the more attractive we are.  Even if she gets a little agitated and feels a bit neglected in the short term, she will find you more attractive if you are busy with work, fitness and/or hobbies.

One thing I will add that I heard from Roosh and agree with when it comes to marriages and long term relationships:  if she is not open to Christ, the relationship is doomed to fail in this sick society.

Staying at the top of our game is just as important for those of us married or in or on the way to such.  We must lead and stay attractive.

Remember, every woman at some point contemplates whether or not she can do better.  Let’s do our best to make it so that she cannot.

The competition has never been softer.  Talk soon.


4 thoughts on “Never A Better Time For Men”

  1. AMEN!
    2 Corinthians 6:14
    King James Version
    14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
    As always, much love and God bless.

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