
Suggestion 4 from my HIJACKED! article on ways to survive the tyranny we patriots now face is to read.

We do not read enough in our leisure time anymore.  When I was a kid you couldn’t pay me to read.

That was partially because I was a lazy student.  It was also due to the assigned material being uninteresting.

So, I am not going to recommend a list of books outside of the Bible.  Find your interests and read books about people, places and things that grab you.

Personally I find fiction to be a waste of my time, but maybe that’s your thing.  When I began reading about 15 years ago, it quickly became one of my favorite pastimes.  A good book can take your imagination places that a movie just cannot.

Most importantly, reading keeps our minds sharp.  To live the most independent life possible from the communists who have HIJACKED! our republic is to have a sharp mind.

Television generally makes you stupid.  Video games make you even dumber.  The fact that this must be said to 40-50 year old adults today is maddening.

I suggest that you read actual physical books over kindles and electronic books.  The more independent we become from the computer the more independent we are as a people.

Reading books online gives the government more surveillance over us.  Additionally, reading on these devices is unhealthy.

The electromagnetic activity that radiates from these devices is toxic.  So why use them when they are not necessary?  The screens are terrible for your eyes, so I suggest getting yourself a pair of blue blocker glasses for when you have to use a screen; I am wearing mine as I type this article.

Based on the toxicity of these devices, I feel that even audiobooks  are actually better than electronic books.

Health aside:  holding a book, turning the pages, underlining things that you find important and making notes enhance the experience.

I am no longer on social media and have been pushing myself back to reading books.  It disgusts me to think of how many sunny hours I spent this past Summer flipping through Twitter on my phone thirsty for just a morsel of good news about an election that was already set up to be stolen with fraud.

What a waste of time!  I could have knocked down about a half dozen books in that time and leveled up a bit.

Who knows?  It may have enhanced my writing.  Talk soon.


PS:  If you read this blog there is a good chance we have similar reading interests.  Feel free to hit me up for suggestions in comments or leave your own.

2 thoughts on “Read”

  1. I totally agree,love to read books at night before I go to sleep,fiction is not my favorite either,I like historical based books.American Sniper,No Hero,To the last Man,The Bounty are a few I just read.The only social media I have is Parler.I refuse to contribute to any site that censors,if I can help it.Also read The Robe-pretty good read.

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