Take Control of Your Health and Become Hard to Kill

Part 3 of my HIJACKED! series deals with our physicality.  A strong spiritual life is a long term prerequisite to being healthy and hard to kill.

The reason?  Stress is like rust.  It rots our bodies out over time.  The better our relationship with Jesus, the less stressed we will be as we understand that we will be given our crosses.

As I said in prior articles, it is my belief that the government-media complex, big tech, big pharma, etc. want us enslaved and/or dead.

To take control of our health, we have to improve our medical care, fitness, ability to defend ourselves and knowledge of our rights.  All of these are under assault by the elite who hate us.


Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor.  Seek medical advice from a professional YOU trust.  However, keep in mind that YOU are paying him.

Make sure you have the final say in your medical choices.  Don’t be bullied.  If you are unhappy with your medical professional, find a new one.

Personally, I have received my best medical care in my adult life (my pediatrician was also terrific, but that was at a time when people seemed to get into the profession for much nobler reasons) from my current integrative doctor.  This is a doctor who combines a conventional approach with a holistic one.

He is not anti-medication or anything like that but he is anti-overmedicating.  He looks to improve root causes rather than just patching symptoms with drugs.

When drugs are the order of the day, he uses compounding pharmacies over the pharmaceutical oligarchs when possible.  He also gives me plenty of say in my medical decisions.

You will not get this from most conventional family doctors.  Most are owned by big pharma.  They don’t want truly healthy patients.

Why would they?  There is little money in a healthy patient.  That’s why I don’t believe they will ever cure cancer despite the money grabs from ribbons and walks.

Curing cancer could bankrupt the industry.  I recommend reading Jay Campbell and Daniel Kelly’s book, Living A Fully Optimized Life:  How to Break Free From Sick Care Medicine Before it Kills You.

Not every recommendation will coincide with your needs, goals or budget.  However, all the information is valuable and we can all take something from it to improve our health and quality of life.


Read anabolicmen.com to learn how to eat like a man.  It is my experience that my feeling and performance are better eating animal fats, animal meats, potatoes, pasta, rice with some vegetables mixed in than trying to avoid cholesterol which in turn means avoiding testosterone.

Packaged commercial foods are loaded with soy (estrogen) and toxic chemicals.  A good rule of thumb is from Jack Lalanne who said that if God didn’t make it, you probably shouldn’t eat it.

Sure, I like packaged crap.  But it’s not what I live on.  BTW-ever notice that every feast mentioned in the Bible involved a fattened animal?


To be hard to kill, you must be strong.  If you don’t do hard physical labor as an occupation, ie:  roofing, paving, etc. you must exercise to be healthy.  At minimum get on a good strength program and walk.

 The more intense you train, the more fit and mentally tougher you will become as you push through mental boundaries.


You cannot learn to fight in the weight room.  A meathead who has never been in a fight will get taken apart by an average bar brawler.

Uh…uh…I can handle myself.  Good for you!  How do you know?  Some people have been in a lot of street fights but good luck being one of those guys and keeping a job today.

Every guy thinks he can defend himself until he has to.  With the CCP virus lockdowns it is tough to truly learn to fight these days because it requires at least SOME full contact.  If you cannot spar or roll, you cannot train full contact.

As a Generation-Xer, I remember the whole karate obsession as a kid.  Between Bruce Lee, The Karate Kid and Kung Fu Theater we thought learning this stuff was like learning magic.

We all know someone who we thought was the shit because he had a black belt in taekwondo.  Thing is, he got that belt showing up with a check from Daddy and breaking boards in choreographed routines.

Then that kid later got exposed and became an ignored dork by by high school when the guy on the football team who could bench 315 became the man.

Then in 1993, the first Ultimate Fighting Championship showed us that the usually quiet 160 lbs varsity wrestler was the true badass of the school.  Why?  He was strong, athletic and trained full contact.

It’s not that karate and kung fu are bad; they will work.  However, you must train them full contact.

I remember when I started training in a boxing gym.  I was just under 230 lbs and by far the strongest guy in the club.  I thought I was going to kick ass when I looked around.

Then I got in with a 185 lbs redhaired Puerto Rican guy who kicked the dog shit out of me.  The nose bleed and loss of breath with about 2:30 still to go in round 1 showed me that strength is only a tool.

If you were a high school wrestling stud, you are a badass whether you know it or not.  By stud I mean state contender, not 10-10 on varsity.  Although even at that level you will be able to take a non-expecting drunk asshole off his feet if necessary.

Wrestling is a great self defense art but it’s not really something you are going to pick up as an adult.

I would recommend any combination of judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, kickboxing and/or Muy Thai.  These are the arts that train full contact and there is a reason MMA fighters focus on them.


 I am not a “gun guy.”  I am not even going to tell you if I own a gun.  Reason?

They now have red flag laws where you can get your guns taken away without committing a crime.  So all I will say is I support your right to own them.  The 2nd Amendment essentially protects the 1st Amendment.  That is why Communist Party USA is anti-2nd Amendment.

Well, nobody is taking away MY guns huh…huh…  Really, tough guy?  Okay.

Authorities come for your guns because your SJW stepsister tells the cops she thinks you are unstable.

What are you going do?  Tell them they can’t have them?  Are they saying have a nice day and leaving?  No.  You are going to face the choice of capitulation or death.

So if you own guns don’t go bragging about them.  They don’t add inches to your dick.

I would say don’t talk about your guns at all unless you completely trust the company you’re in.

If you are the guy at the range in camo and tactical gear, you are not just a larping dork.  You are making yourself a red flag target.

Being healthy, fit, strong and able to defend yourself is key to being more independent from the oligarchs who essentially want us enslaved and/or dead.  Talk soon.


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