Ways To Combat Evil Volume 2

Late Fr. Grabriel Amorth courtesy of ourladyofgoodsauce

Now that we have covered preventative measures to combat evil, let’s talk about reactive measures if confronted with it.  For starters, don’t go looking for it.

If you go looking for it, you will find it.  Having knowledge on how the demonic operates does not make you qualified to take it on.

Tough guy mentalities do not work here.  Rather, they will jam you up.  It doesn’t matter how big your muscles are.

Your Brazilian jiu-jitsu blackbelt or your golden gloves or your state wrestling title are useless trinkets in spiritual warfare.  Demons (fallen angels) were created as superior beings to humans.

Our ONLY power over them is Jesus Christ.  Going out looking for battle with the demonic will bring you an ass kicking you cannot imagine; they will latch onto your pride and take your life apart spiritually, mentally and physically.

Most exorcists I have seen in interviews are very unassuming guys.  They are authoritative during the Rite, but very soft spoken when not.

This is why the Blessed Mother and the angels and saints are such powerful weapons against the demonic.  The demonic is terrified by their humility.

Jesus gives us power over the demonic in His Name.  However, if we are going to enter into battle with Satan directly, our faith better be VERY strong and we better be in a state of Grace.

If our faith is weak or we have the stain of mortal sin on us, we are no match for the demonic.

This is why the Prayer From St. Leo XIII can be said by the laity, but should be said in a state of Grace.

Now Catholics are not the only ones capable of driving out Satan.  Even in the Bible, the apostles came across someone driving out demons in Jesus’ Name and they rebuked him because he was not one of them.

Jesus Corrected them stating that anyone who is not against them is for them.  One of the advantages protestants and evangelicals have in spiritual warfare is that they do not need a bishop’s permission to drive out demons.

Preacher John Hagee reports driving the demonic out of a woman in Jesus’ Name.  I believe him.  However, he is a special type of man.

Personally if I feel an earie presence of evil like Tom commented about a couple articles back, I recite the Prayer From St. Leo XIII with authority.

Thankfully, I have never been confronted with actual overt demonic activity like objects moving, etc.  If I did, I would immediately call a priest.  He will know what to do.

Exorcisms can be performed on people and on dwellings.  The things we see in the movies do actually happen like levitating, deformity, extreme strength, strange voices, etc.

However, where Hollywood goes wrong is they often paint the Church as the underdog.  This is not the case.  Priests and religious demonologists will tell you that once the bishop authorizes the Rite of Exorcism, the demonic are actually the underdogs.

Remember, Christ is King and every knee shall bend before Him.  Talk soon.
