LARPing Faith

courtesy of The Catholic Register

In my last article I explained what LARP is and how some LARP their patriotism.  But there is a far more disturbing type of LARPing going on in today’s USA.

It’s LARPing faith by those who are supposed to have the most:  Christian religious leaders.  Orthodox Jews have actually done a far better job of standing up to Satan’s minions in public office attempting to interfere with our constitutional right to gather in worship.

The left loves to falsely site the separation of church and state when attempting to remove God.  They have gotten away with it for decades.

The purpose of this separation by our founding fathers was actually to keep the state out of the Church and promote freedom of worship, not to remove God.

However, as usual the left has done what they do best-spew lies repeatedly knowing that the uninformed and faithless with believe the lie that God has no place in or is irrelevant to public life.

Well with the recent shutdowns, minus a very select few brave leaders, most have taken their marching orders from these druid governors and mayors.

When the churches first shut down it was expected to be for a couple weeks.  I didn’t have a problem with it; in hindsight I was wrong.

Be not afraid says the Lord.  If we can’t take courage in God’s House how can we take any in the devil’s secular world?

So as the COVID-19 curve largely flattened, I began calling my Bishop complaining that they were blowing an opportunity to stand up to the DemonRats who love abortion and the removal of God from society based on their own go-to of separation of church and state.

The Bishop was too busy or too in on it to get back to me.  He had a Monsignor I respect contact me.

The party line was that we had to take precaution to look out for the compromised and such.  I like this man and didn’t want to argue with him; he was put in a hard position.

However there a dispensation in place to stay home from Catholic Mass, so the compromised, elderly, obese and fearful can stay home.  Why keep the healthy out?

Because the politicians said so!  So I continued watching EWTN every Sunday.  I would get out a piece of Matzo and cup of wine and ask Jesus to turn it into His Body and Blood.

I don’t feel I am holy enough for this, but I figured under the circumstances what did I have to lose?

Soon President Donald J. Trump declared churches essential.  My governor gave the timid Bishops permission to re-open.

His tone was like he was giving us a treat rather than our inalienable right to Obey God’s Commandment to Keep Holy the Sabbath.

I went to Mass at a local church three times.  The first time I was just happy to be back.

However, people were telling me where I could sit.  I had to wear a fear mask.

I could only receive the Body of Christ, not His Blood.  At some churches you had to make a reservation like you’re attending a sportsball game.

In the next weeks I grew increasingly angry.  Everyone was practicing this sterile behavior for “health reasons.”

For those of us who are pro-active in our health independently, breathing in our own CO2 for and hour straight is anything BUT healthy.

I felt that if Jesus walked into His House seeing the lack of faith in these fear masks He may turn the tables over in anger the way He did when His people turned the Temple into a marketplace.

Then there is the refusal of offering the Blood of Christ.  Church Doctrine says that if you receive only the Host you’re getting the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ.

Personally, I don’t accept this.  Jesus gave us the Eucharist at the Last Supper.

He did so by breaking bread saying it was His Body and giving it to His disciples telling them to eat It and do so in His memory (paraphrasing).

Then He took the cup of wine saying it was His Blood shed for the forgiveness of sins telling them to drink of It and do so in His memory (paraphrasing).

What he did NOT say is:  guys, there are a lot of plagues out there so if you’re a little grossed out drinking from the same cup, the bread is good enough…

However, the Church rightly or wrongly allows you the choice.  Okay, so why can’t I have the choice?

Jesus says in His name we can drink deadly poison without it hurting us (Mark 16:18), but if we drink His Blood in His House we may get the Wuhan?  Nonsense!

Are we living our faith or just preaching?

So, July 4th weekend I tried going to a local monastery who holds a small Sunday Mass.  There were about 9 congregants in the small Chapel on one side of the altar.  I was the only one unmasked.

On the other side of the alter were the monastery sisters unmasked and not socially distanced.  I was delighted; I found my Church.

No cup, but at least no mask.  Nobody gave me a hard time and I would just go home and ask Jesus to turn a cup of wine into His Blood and drink it.

But not so fast!  One of the sisters administering Communion to the other nuns saw me and sternly motioned to her face mouthing that I needed a mask.

She had the demeanor of one of those old male hating Catholic School nuns on a power trip as opposed to the gentle holy kind.

I shook my head no and mouthed “I won’t!”  She mouthed “you have to.”  I received Communion and the final Blessing before leaving in despair that my Church continues to fail me.

So, I am back to EWTN on TV Sunday mornings.  I emailed Roosh about this and he encouraged me to have a little more patience.  I don’t know yet what I am going to do week-to-week.

I am willing to get arrested for attending Mass in a courageous manor but the Bishops are in a state of secular compliance even though the constitution is on their side.

Will they become willing to live the Gospel they preach or will they continue LARPing their faith?  Talk soon.


PS:  It has been brought to my attention that Bishops of every diocese in NJ have applied for Federal loans due to financial hardship caused by COVID-19.  How does a tax exempt organization justify taking money from the tax payer (many of whom are not Catholic)?

Personally I am not giving money to my diocese unless I can attend Mass with a sense of normalcy.  Maybe if they stopped complying with the government, they wouldn’t need the government.

Additionally, the far left has begun following through on their promise to vandalize and attack churches.  What if, God-forbid they begin disrupting Masses?

Shouldn’t they want as many strong healthy men in the building as possible for protection and to keep the collection baskets full?