It’s NOT The Economy, Stupid!

Globalist former president/Jeffrey Epstein pal Bill Clinton was supposedly and famously told by advisor Daniel Carver, It’s the economy, stupid! Folklore says that Carver had it posted on the oval office wall to remind him after a bumbling first 2 years of his first term.

To be fair, Clinton inherited a fledgling economy stagnated by fellow-globalist, George H.W. Bush. I don’t like Clinton and he sold our nation out in a big way to China, but he was a shrewd politician.

After taking a beating in the 1994 midterms, he worked with Speaker Newt Gingrich enough to create a robust economy for the next 6 years. He actually governed as a fiscal conservative.

Whether this sign or plaque or whatever was actually plastered on Clinton’s wall, I don’t know or care. It does not matter.

However, it became a slogan influencing the campaign of every presidential candidate since. The economy is always the foremost concern of educated voters. Well, maybe only male voters. Female voters still stick to the ability to kill their baby as number one.

However, I was listening to an interview with exorcist and traditional priest, Fr. Chad Ripperger today and the discussion touched on politics. The interviewer mentioned how many Catholics are looking for the next conservative politician to save us.

I have stated here several times that without a major awakening to Christ, it does not matter who runs. Fr. Ripperger took it step further. He stated that if the economy is your first issue as a voter, you are actually thinking as a Marxist.

He went on to state that the virtue of the citizenry should actually be the main concern of any Catholic. That makes total sense.

Ignoring God and chasing only money and power is exactly the Marxist mindset. Yes, the Marxist will virtue signal that YOU have too much, but THEY never have enough. And what does the Marxist fixate on? The removal of faith.

This is why Fox News outside of Tucker Carlson and maybe a select few are no better than MSNBC. They use traditional values to chase the same secular decadence as Don Lemon.

How many Catholics simply vote Democrat because they grew up in a home with JFK’s picture right next to the Pope’s? Abortion and sodomy were not on the table then. If every Catholic voted their faith, most northeast blue states would flip red.

In fact, if every Christian, Jew and Muslim voted the actual doctrine of their faith, the Democrat party would either change their platform completely or go extinct. There would not be enough voter fraud to overcome such an avalanche.

Of course, voting your faith requires knowing your faith. Talk soon.
