Society is Sick

courtesy of

Take a good look at the above photo.  What would you do if this thing walked in to read stories to your little children?

No this did not take place at some discrete Frisco hole in the wall.  Nope, not at some underground freak joint in the East Village.

This took place last year at the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library in Long Beach, CA.  Yes it was a public library named after our former First Lady as part of LGBTQ History Month.

Think it’s just an aberration?  Take a look at the video in this link to see what took place at the Brooklyn Public Library.

“What is the reason for this” you may ask.  Unfortunately there is an agenda in Western society to sexualize children at as young an age as possible.

That is why children are receiving sex education at younger and younger ages.  That is why abortions on the tax payers’ dime is available on demand without parental consent.

Education administrators will tell you that “times have changed and we have to prepare our children for these changes (and if a solid teacher speaks up they will be shown the door).”  Bulls**t.  Times don’t change; what people find acceptable is what changes.

Nobody is preparing your children for changing times.  They are using your children to change the times for their benefit.

The elites in this world are doing the devil’s bidding.  Not only do they want to sexualize children at a young age, but they also want to mold as many sexual deviants as possible.

The end goal is the normalization of pedophilia.  Yes, it makes me sick to even discuss this and it may sound far fetched to you but numerous signs point to it.

The reason for this is that pedophilia is rampant amongst the powerful.  As Mike Cernovich exposed, Disney director James Gunn had been tweeting pro-pedo garbage (“jokes” as he called them) for years.

Corey Feldman has been very outspoken about child sexual abuse in Hollywood.  Hollywood continues to support Roman Polanski who raped a 13 year old girl.

Former President Bill Clinton reportedly ditched Secret Service to take trips with Jeffrey Epstein on his “Lolita Express” 26 times.  Epstein was convicted for soliciting prostitution from an underage girl.

I have trusted sources in the justice system who tell me that plea agreements regarding child sexual abuse are becoming increasingly more lenient.  Why is it that NABMLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) has been defended by the ACLU?  Are powerful people associated?

This will take place in small increments like the normalization of homosexuality and now transexuality.  At first it was portrayed that these people just want to practice their sodomy in private amongst each other without persecution; live and let live.

I’m fine with that.  That stuff is between them and God so long as they are consenting adults.

But that wasn’t good enough.  Then we had to have a disproportionate number of sexual deviants on television.  Then they had to marry legally and adopt children.

Then it had to be woven into school curriculum.  “Mary has two mommies.”  Then if your child wanted to play with an opposite sex toy or wear their clothing you were told not to stifle their self expression.

Now we have demonic freaks reading to the most innocent.  Of course this didn’t get anywhere near the coverage that First Lady Melania Trump’s accent did when she read to children on Easter.  Do you see the pattern here?

Parents:  if you come across insane sodomites like this being presented directly or indirectly to your children, for God’s sake remove them and speak up.  Your children’s innocence depends on it.  Talk soon.
