Strong Priests Please!

late Bishop Fulton Sheen courtesy of

We need strong priests in this country now more than ever in my lifetime.  Yes, we want America First politicians.

But politics is a dirty business.  Throughout the Old Testament, the kings of Israel who did right in the eyes of the Lord listened to His prophets.

Priests are not voted into Office; they take a vow.  That vow involves bringing us God’s Truth.

Sometimes God’s Truth is merciful.  There is no sin greater than God’s Mercy.  However, so many of our priests today stay focused only on His Mercy and never His Wrath.

Mercy is for the forgiveness of our sins, not the celebration of them.  Not enough priests seem willing to truly act as complete soldiers for Christ these days.

I have gotten to know dozens of priests over the years.  Many are solid.  Many, not so much.

They stick to messages of mercy, love and unity.  That third one is erroneous.  Jesus Himself said that he came to bring not unity but division.

The truth will divide.  Sometimes it divides son against father, daughter against mother.  This is why I now keep my interactions with at least half my family to a minimum.

I cannot idly sit by and watch them march away from Christ.  The Church position has been mainly to stay out of political matters telling the laity in anonymous ways that they are obligated to vote for candidates who’s stances most coincide with the Word of God.

Well, that is no longer good enough.  The fact is that we are in a cultural civil war in this country.  Sodomy and abortion are celebrated.

Sexualization of children by pedo oligarchs is being fast-tracked.  Soft communism is here.

We are lied to about masks.  The churches have the constitution on their side, yet continue to take orders from abortionists.

I recently attended Mass at a local church.  The priest’s homily was about the power of the Eucharist.

The priest gave a good talk on how the bread is turned into the Body of Christ.  Wine is turned into the Blood of Christ.  It becomes Jesus; it is not symbolic!

However, I still don’t get the option to drink the Precious Blood of the Lamb.  I complemented the priest on his sermon after Mass, then told him we should have the option to receive Christ’s Blood.

I mean if he truly believes what he was saying as much as I do, he knows that our Lord and Savior would never let His sheep become ill from drinking His Blood.

He patted me on the shoulder and said something along the lines of hopefully soon not really wanting to deal with me.  This guy is head of vocations in the diocese helping out at a local parish.

That explains all the relativist priests I have come across over the years.  The head of vocations is a man who’s actions don’t match his preaching.

I must stress, my point here is not anti-mercy.  I need Christ’s Mercy more than anyone.

But why do I know that?  Because I know that if I don’t confess and repent for my sins, I will land my ass in Hell no matter how much time I spend in church.

I have noticed how to spot weak priests.  When he quotes the faker in the Vatican who calls himself Francis, he is not a traditional Catholic.

If he refuses to call out and deny abortionist and sodomy-loving politicians Holy Communion, he is a weak priest.

If he does not demand his congregation come to confession and offer it often, he is doing a disservice.

This is not exclusive to Catholics.  Some Protestant Churches are worse.  For every seemingly righteous and powerful preacher like John Hagee or Billy Graham, there is a female-led “church” with sodomy flags lining the entrance.

When I watch YouTube videos of Bishop Fulton Sheen, it is easy to see why the Church was so much more powerful in his day and why the eugenicists infiltrated Notre Dame in 1960.  They knew the Catholic Church was their greatest obstacle.

Mother Angelica created a tremendous traditional platform with EWTNShe made a career of calling out bad priests.

I am going to leave you with a video of a rising star amongst traditional Catholics.  His name is Fr. James Altman.

His Wisconsin Bishop who is acting against the best interests of the Church is asking for his resignation for being too right wing.  Fr. Altman is not capitulating.

His congregation is growing.  This is because the laity is starving for men like this.

He is not the orator that Bishop Sheen or Hagee are, but that’s not everything.  He is masculine.  He is truthful.  He is logical.  Most important, he is brave.

He is a leader.  Have a look at the video here.

God Bless.  Talk soon.
