Better Realize!

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Above is military veteran Daniel Perry. Perry shot an armed rioter in Texas in the Summer of 2020.

It was clear self-defense as this rioter criminal aimed and AK-47 at him. Perry killed the scumbag with a revolver he was carrying.

Sounds simple right? Well, you see George Soros has funded numerous prosecutor’s offices throughout the United States to be selective and politically biased regarding if and how they prosecute crimes.

Perry has been targeted by one of these Soros prosecutors. He was convicted of murder.

The good news is that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is reportedly working on a pardon for Perry. However, what if Perry was convicted in a blue scumhole state? What if he was convicted in a state with a Republican governor who thirsted for left wing acceptance or just did not have the balls to pardon him?

This is all part of the communist playbook. They empty the jails (now with Criminal Justice Reform) letting hardened criminals out to terrorize the middle class.

They then criminally charge those who defend themselves, their property or come to the aide of weak victims. This is what we are up against. If you live in a blue area, leave ASAP. If you can leave now, leave now.

If you cannot, do so when able. Do not come to the aide of strangers you see being assaulted by thugs. Assume the victim voted for just that.

You are going to do time or get your ass kicked to save some pig with pink hair who voted Democrat so she can kill babies? Not me. Do not get into stupid confrontations in bars or traffic over personal pride. If you are viewed as the more right leaning one in the confrontation, you will be the one prosecuted.

I support the Second Amendment, but all you tough guys who have fantasies about shooting a carjacker or a burglar: they will prosecute you too. You might win in court, you might not. Either way, your bank account will be far lighter afterwards.

Am I saying not to defend yourself? No. Just realize the stakes. It better be worth it. If you live in a blue area and there is a way out of a situation, take it. If you and your loved ones’ life and/or personal safety are not on the line, remove yourself.

We also have to start getting on juries. Yes, I know. We are the producers in this country. We don’t have time for jury duty. We have things to accomplish.

We always rolled our eyes when the term “civic duty” came up. Well, you know what?

The time has come for us to buy into that way of thinking. I know someone who deals with jury selections. This person claims that the majority of the jury pool are boomer normies who watch CNN.

They are easily swayed. They don’t know how to think for themselves. But they have time to get on juries.

In places like NYC and DC, actual ANTIFA are filling jury boxes.

We now have to make time and actually attempt to get on juries so that these Soros prosecutors and rubber-stamp Judges who act like prosecutors in robes are kept in check. It only takes one honest juror to keep an innocent man free.

We better realize this is no longer a game. Like I said when they went after American hero Kyle Rittenhouse, It’s Just A Story Till It Happens To You.

None of us are immune. We better be there for each other. Talk soon.
