Be Brave, But Smart

The final part from my HIJACKED! series of suggestions for dealing with the tyranny being forced upon us is to be brave, but smart.

The elite’s top weapon of choice against We The People is fear mongering.  They love for us to be in constant fear.  They want blacks to fear cops and hate whites; they want whites to fear blacks.

Fear and hate fuel each other.  They want us to fear a virus with somewhere around a 1% chance of killing us.  They want us in fear of wars.  They want us in fear of economic disaster.

Many of those things are actually coming, but Jesus tells us continually in the New Testament not to live in fear.  Being in constant fear leads us to despair, which is not of God.

If you have noticed, these HIJACKED! articles are somewhat repetitive.  That’s because the suggestions are intertwined.

We all are faced with our own set of fears.  Being brave is not being fearless.  True fearlessness is actually psychotic.  If Jesus felt fear in the garden before His arrest and crucifixion, how can a rational mortal not?

It’s how we deal with those fears that make us brave or cowardly.  When we run to our fears, confront them and act we become empowered-win or lose.

When we run from our fears they continue to chase us causing stress and hopelessness.

I think the simplest way to be brave is to live and speak the truth.  When we speak the truth we are empowered.

It’s simple but not easy.  We don’t want to be rejected by our peers for speaking simple but sometimes hard truths.

We instinctively want acceptance from the masses.  However, the masses are marching straight into hell through conformity.

Caring about what the masses think is really just feeding into the prisons of ego and shame.

Living in the truth drives us to take stands.  We can easily smell the bullshit of a stolen election because we are so intimate with the truth that we have a sixth sense for seeing through lies.

Then things no longer sit right with us; sitting in front of Fox News and complaining becomes no longer good enough.  We need to get in the streets and get our voices heard, we need to run for Office, we need to get on schoolboards, we need to become committeemen.

However, being brave is not enough.  We also have to be smart.

The same ego and shame prisons that make us afraid to take stands can drive us to taking too many stands.  This has at times been a stumbling block for this author and I am still a work-in-progress.

We must realize that as patriots we are the enemy of the media, the entertainment industry, big pharma, big tech, the Federal Government, etc.  We are even becoming the enemy of the local police whom we backed for decades.

Courage without brains tends to shoot us in the foot.  Making stands for worthy causes like the sanctity of human life, or our elections, or to protect our churches from false prophets is brave.

Punching down to ill-informed sheep or those who won’t accept the truth is a waste of time.  I have often allowed myself to become the conservative clown:  the guy people look to for a response to every predictable injustice or double standard.

This allows the enemy to have unnecessary ammunition and allows those who agree with us, but are too lazy or too gutless to fight beside us to be energy sponges.

Wearing MAGA gear around any major city is a bad move.  Sure you should be able to, but if you are assaulted will Trump the crybaby visit you in the hospital or hire you?  If you kick your attacker’s ass and get tossed in jail will he set up a bail fund for you the way his enemies did for their minions?

That brings me to another thing.  In Take Control of Your Life and Become Hard to Kill, I suggested learning a/some fighting art(s).

This is for self defense purposes in situations where you and or family members’ life/lives or wellbeing are faced with serious danger with no way out.  If there is a way out, take it regardless of the optics; remember-the deck is not stacked in our favor.

This means if you are in a place with a vibe like things can go bad and there is no worthy cause, get the fuck out.  No ego, no shame.  You know who you are.

Going out and enjoying life, breathing oxygen is brave.  Thinking you don’t need to keep your hands clean is just dumb.  So is going out and congregating when you don’t feel well.

Whether it’s the CCP Virus, strep throat or a cold I am informed enough to know being healthy and fit means I will likely be fine.  That doesn’t mean I want to be out of the gym for a week or draw attention to myself from the COVID Nazis.

Bragging about how extensively you invoke your Second Amendment right to practical strangers to sound tough is a great way to get you red flagged and disarmed.

So while we must have the courage to live and speak the truth, we must also be smart enough to punch up and not down.  Talk soon.


4 thoughts on “Be Brave, But Smart”

  1. We are no longer facing the abyss,we are now in it.The democratic socialists have taken over and are implementing their communist agenda.You are right to say we must be brave,just knowing what’s coming from these crazy left wing policies is scary as hell.The only hope is that we outnumber these lunatics and we can somehow overcome them.But for now all we can do is hold our heads up high,go to work everyday and take care of our families and most of all love God and our great country.

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