The Jewish Issue

This is a tough issue to tackle. Few are willing. So, that means I need to talk about it.

It seems that criticizing Christians is completely acceptable. Bringing attention to Vatican corruption or pedo priests will receive nodding heads.

Even criticizing Islam is basically acceptable so long as you specify “radical Islam” and are critical of their stance on women’s rights and homosexuality.

However, it sometimes seems that painting Jewish people as anything short of brilliant victims and failing to acknowledge the Holocaust as anything short of the evilest event in human history will get you canceled and de-banked. You will be targeted.

For the record, I fully believe the Holocaust happened and was abhorrently evil. Hitler likely would never have come to power if not for United States involvement in World War I.

Hitler was an occultist. One of the demons in the true exorcism of Emily Rose (the actual name of the victim of possession was Anneliese Michel) was identified with the name Hitler.

That does not mean she was possessed by Hitler; exorcists will tell you that people are not possessed by human spirits. It is likely that that particular demon has some kind of connection to or had influence on Adolph Hitler. However, Hitler factually killed far less people than Stalin or Rove vs. Wade.

There is a split on the right regarding Judaism. Neither side is completely right or completely wrong in my opinion. This is a very nuanced issue.

I used to be a blind supporter of the state of Israel on all matters, simply because they are God’s chosen people. There is no disputing this. If you do not believe that to be the case, you have likely never cracked open a Bible.

The Old Testament is the story of God’s people’s journey. Jacob, Elijah, Moses, King David, all of God’s people are Jews. There is a regular cycle. God gives them great gifts and victories over superior armies, they prosper, then they fall away becoming lukewarm and bowing to worldly pleasures and false gods (sounds like today’s American Christian).

Inevitably, God punishes them with slavery, hatred from non-Jews, famine, plagues, etc. They repent and come back into God’s favor, prosper again and the cycle continues.

God’s favor of His Jewish creations does not end in the Old Testament. All the major players in the New Testament are Jewish. Jesus, the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, the apostles: all Jews. Jesus even says himself that he came to redeem His people. There is a passage in the gospels where a Canaanite woman asking for Jesus’ help was told that He had come for the Jews: The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” “Yes, Lord,” she said, “even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” (Matthew 15:25-27)

Jesus did heal her, but it was clear that the Jews were His people and His priority. It was after Jesus’ ascension that St. Paul (also a Jew) began spreading Christianity to us gentiles.

Jesus came to complete Judaism, not oppose it. The Last Supper was he and his disciples eating the Passover meal. He never stopped being Jewish.

Now yes, it was also Jews who arrested him and had the Romans crucify him. He was highly critical of the Jewish hierarchy. He spoke truth to power. Most Jews (Messianic Jews excluded) still do not accept Christ as Lord and Savior.

Talmudic Jews actually believe that Jesus Christ is a false prophet and deny the Immaculate Conception. That means they think our Lord is in Hell and our Blessed Mother is an adulteress. I feel sorry for them.

Some on the right like Nick Fuentes correctly point out that a large number of the most powerful and evil people spreading porn, fake news, sodomy and Hollywood filth are Jewish. The Rothschilds, George Soros (Nazi enabler), Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Nazi Enabler), Yuval Noah Harari, Mark Zuckerberg, are all Jews.

Well, actually they seem to act more godless or satanic. But the fact is they do have Jewish bloodlines. So, does that mean all Jews are our enemy?

What about freedom fighters like Dr. Vladimir Zelenko? What about Dr. Simone Gold? What about Laura Loomer? These are all Jews too. All those Hasidic Trump voters getting beaten on in Democrat cities have become martyrs for the right.

However, even my tunnel vision defense of Israel has waned in recent years. Yes, I still support the embassy going to the Holy Land and believe it belongs to the Jews, not Muslims. However, I have watched Benjamin Netanyahu become a traitor to freedom and vax up his nation.

I see far too many adds promoting tourism to Israel littered with sodomy colors. I used to send money to the Fellowship of Christians and Jews until I began to see that every piece of mail I received from them was soliciting for Jewish causes and never Christian ones.

It did not seem like much of a fellowship to me, but more like a one-way street. So, I no longer donate to them. Let them call the Rothschilds for money.

I have also noticed that the Evangelical faith networks seem to embrace Israel and rabbis more than the Blessed Mother or traditional priests. Are they on the Israeli payroll? Good chance they are.

Now even speaking these observations will have the ADL calling you an antisemite. This is more ridiculous false racism from the elites (the most racist people on the planet). On the other hand, though I find people like Kanye West and Nick Fuentes courageous, highly intelligent and talented, I don’t buy into their idea that the Jews in the media and Hollywood along with the Israeli lobby represent the only real evil in the world and if you don’t agree, you have caved to them or sold out.

Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, The Chinese Communist Party, The Rockefeller Foundation, etc. are not Jewish and are top of the food chain evil. A segment of the right seems to be caught up in this paranoia of blaming everything wrong with the world on Jews.

They sound no different to me than race baiters who blame every single mishap in the black community on white America. If you consider someone your enemy (I don’t personally label Jews in general as my enemy. I have had more positive than negative interactions with them.), why would you let them take up so much space in your mind?

You can be aware of something without it taking over your thought process. The way I see it is rather than worry what people of a particular faith or tribe think, say or do, why not just practice your own Catholic faith?

Christ tells us to love and pray for our enemies. On Good Friday, we pray for the Jewish people to come to Christ. Praying for your enemies gives you tremendous reward from Christ. If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. (Romans 12:20)

Many Jews will come to Christ before the end. As for those who will not, just let the King Jesus deal with them as He sees fit. His justice is perfect justice.

Pray rather than obsess. Talk soon.
