We Don’t Care, Ladies

courtesy of herbeauty.co

Ladies, men don’t care about your career success.  I can recall in my single days being on dating and sites seeing women touting their independence/occupations.

I can recall people describing women they wanted me to meet saying, “she has a good job.”  It never enticed me.  In those days, physicality was the ONLY thing that mattered.

Having a good job and financial success are male attributes.  A good job does not provoke erections, but financial stability does soak panties.

The reason is men are success objects and women are beauty objects.  Yes, a handsome man will do better than a lesser looking man if all things are about equal.

However, a financially successful man with average or poor looks can raise his status exponentially.  Women on the other hand?

Not so much.  Sure, an attractive rich cougar can draw a handsome young buck for some fun and to take advantage of her riches, but it won’t come with love.

Women will also find extreme masculinity attractive for genetic procreation and physical safety reasons.  This is why they are attracted to bad boys.

The idea of men in prison getting attention from seemingly normal, law-abiding women is no myth.  This is why 50 Shades of Gray was so popular.

This is not to say a woman who does absolutely nothing will be just as attractive.  Several years ago, I dated a woman taken care of by her father.

On top of being a crazy drunk, she spent her days chain smoking and watching garbage TV.  She soon became completely unattractive.

It was not because she did not work, but because she was lazy white trash.  Had she spent her days cleaning, beautifying and planning meals, she could have made herself more attractive if not a mentally ill alcoholic.

Now of course physical beauty fades as we age.  That is why picking a spiritually sound woman is important.  I don’t just mean someone who calls herself a Christian but is into girl power.

I mean one who takes Scripture to heart.  Even this type of woman will struggle with the pressures of this feminist world, but will know she is to submit to her man’s leadership in important decisions.

This also puts onus on men to make good decisions.  It’s win-win.

Eh…eh…you just can’t handle a strong woman!   What’s a strong woman, Karen?  A benzo-addicted CEO who gulps down a bottle of wine per night and has dentures because making herself vomit to stay thin has rotted her teeth out?

Or is a strong woman one who is secure in her submission to male leadership as she secures her place in Heaven?

Nope, a man is for the most part no more impressed with Ms. Boss Lady than he is a coffee shop waitress.  In fact, all other things being equal:  the smart man will likely find more happiness with the waitress.

The waitress (if she works in a respectable place) is far more likely to have a nurturing nature as she has been rewarded in the workplace for her femininity and sweet disposition.

Ladyboss has been trained to fornicate like a man and never be satisfied.  She can never be trusted and is geared away from gratitude.

Besides, who wants to handle his wife?  Life pressures are enough to handle.

Sure, there will always be arguments and tough situations but a wife should add value, not pressure and stress.  She should be a source of enjoyment and support, not a project.

So ladies, just remember when you are chasing that career and advertising it like a big drawing card:  men don’t care.  Talk soon.


PS:  I know we no longer live in an economic structure which incentivizes single income.  So while a female income may be helpful or in most cases necessary, it should be viewed as a means to an end.

This also applies to men who are not self-employed or rewarded in their craft for excellence.  There is nothing wrong with being good at your job; it’s a sign of good character.  Just never let yourself be fooled into thinking you are making a true impact on those you work for.

You are cattle.  They don’t love you.  In fact, they likely have distain for you.  Always save your best self for your loved ones.

4 thoughts on “We Don’t Care, Ladies”

  1. Brilliantly stated, Marksman. As a Christian woman, I would add that young women shouldn’t struggle with feminist theology. Quite the contrary, they should recognize that it’s a trap. Rather, they should feel EMPOWERED and confident in their role within the family unit, knowing that they are fulfilling God’s law, like no one else can … It’s not a submission. They shouldn’t look at it that way and neither should men. That’s the trap that Satan sets! A good leader will confer with his right hand when making a decision that will affect the unit – privately, of course. 😉 It’s important to leave ego out of the equation – men and women alike.

    Ephesians 5:22 – Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
    Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
    1 Peter 3:7 – Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

  2. I once did some construction work for a woman attorney,she was very successful and made a lot of money.Her husband was a stay at home “mom”,she would come home and yell at him like a stray dog. I never was attracted to a woman just because of her job,my wife worked for shop-rite and we have been married for 37yrs,she never yelled at me like I was a dog.

    1. That woman likely grew to despise her stay-at-home husband. That’s the double edge sword. Many women try to change men they fall for. Then once they change them, the man’s balls are gone. She then loses all respect and attraction after this happens. A man who stays home gives everything away. It’s not in his DNA to be a nurturer, so he is not as competent in that roll as a woman would be. At the same time, he is no longer commanding the respect of a man because he is attempting a female trait.

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