Is Your Mask Dangerous?

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor.  Seek medical care from a health care professional.  There is information out there that not only are masks ineffective, they are also unhealthy-even dangerous.

This week freedom fighter Michelle Malkin had Judy Mikovits, PHD and Ken Hackenlively, JD on her podcast, #malkinlive.  These two guests are the authors of the book:  Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should Be Limited.

The 3 major takeaways for me:

1-Masks are unhealthy for your breathing based on the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide intake and release.  This is common sense, no?

2-Masks are bad for healthy people, but even worse for unhealthy people.

3-The idea of asymptomatic people spreading COVID-19 is a myth.


Don’t take my word for anything regarding the podcast.  Watch the video in the link here.  Decide for yourself, but don’t waste time.

Big Pharma and Big Tech do not want this video up as it does not coincide with their absolute power agenda.  Credible arguments are not welcome and often censored.

Did you watch?  What is your take?  Leave a comment.

It solidifies by belief that mask mandates are about control and compliance, not safety.  Those making these mandates don’t care about our wellbeing; quite the opposite.  I believe they hate us and want us compliant or dead.

Additionally, if you walk around outdoors with a mask on at this point, you are a fucking loser.  If you are a grown man doing this, you’re not even beta.  You are an omega male.  Talk soon.


4 thoughts on “Is Your Mask Dangerous?”

  1. Love it my man! So, so very true. I am so fed up, disgusted and irate at all these dumb people who have drank the false, contradictory and hypocritical Kool-Ade served up by pharma, CNN, CDC, the idiot Fauci, and Sleepy Joe. SoPathetic

    1. We feel your pain Michael. & the even more frustrating thing is that so many on the right are so unwilling to actually do something. I asked some men recently if they were interested in an organized PEACEFUL maskless shopping trip. I received crickets and excuses in response. The right complains about double standards while the left takes action. Welcome to The Straight Shot. Look forward to hearing from you anytime. God Bless.

  2. Most of the masks everyone is wearing are not effective as a barrier to a virus,it’s like trying to stop mosquitoes with a chain link fence.It’s my belief the democrats are desperate to keep this viral pandemic in our heads for political reasons.Can it even be considered a pandemic at this point,with the death rate so low,I think it is in the epedimic category.The President has done a fantastic job with operation warp speed and the vaccine is about to be available soon,the democrats even instilling fear in people about it’s safety.Fear of the virus=mail -in voting being implemented in battleground states.The left will stop at nothing.Joe Biden wears a mask so we don’t see him drooling on himself,God help us fellow Patriots

    1. Tom as usual I am in full agreement. Glad you brought up the vaccine. I will be discussing that in a coming article. Thanks as always for taking the time.

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