A Challenge to Trumpers

courtesy of Business Insider

We are about 7 weeks atway from the 2020 Presidential Election.  I assume, actually know that the vast majority of this audience are supporters of President Donald J. Trump.

The President was in real trouble back in June.  Taking advice from Javanka to sit in a bunker while commie thugs rioted outside was a major mistake.

Trump seems to have shown them the bench lately, at least on domestic affairs; he has been trusting his instincts more.  He seems to be taking advice from people more in touch with his base than the liberal NY power couple.

Hamptons party slut Kellyanne Conway is gone.  In June, the polls which you all know by now are almost all screwed to the left (if not please leave this site; I don’t want you here) had Biden up about 14-15 points.  That means it was about 10.

The polls are now basically in the margin of error.  That means Trump is comfortably ahead; but we have seen this year how fast things can change.

The worm began to turn in Prez’ favor around his Independence Day Mt. Rushmore speech.  As the riots and COVID-19 control bullshit raged on, Trump’s popularity has grown.

Since then I have spent time in or passed through 7 Eastern states.  The enthusiasm for Trump compared to hair sniffing Joe Biden has all the makings of a route in November.

Even this past weekend, a boat marina in my deep blue northeastern state was LOADED with Trump flags.  Not 1 Biden.

Many Dems voted for Trump in 2016.  More are flipping to him in 2020 out of fear.

First time gun buyers have cleared the country’s inventory.  The tactics that the left has rolled out to burry Trump would have worked on a normal politician.

But instead they have given him a boost.  I believe God has His Hand on Trump.  If you read the Old Testament, you know that sometimes God picks a king.

No, this race is not about Republican vs. Democrat.  It’s far beyond conservative vs. liberal.

It even goes further than patriot vs. America-hating Bolshevik.  We are fighting against Powers and Principalities outside our realm.

You don’t have to believe that, but not believing it doesn’t remove you from this battle.  This election comes down to God vs. Satan.

The left are children of Satan by choice.  Many know it, some don’t.

The Communist DemonRat Party has stopped masking who they are working for.  They have been open about the removal of God, late term-even post term butchering of babies, promotion of sodomy and sexualization of children.  Liquor stores are essential in lefty states but Church is a health hazard.

God wins the battle in the end but which side this country aligns with will be decided in less than 2 months.  In a fair election we would be sitting pretty right now waiting for the formality of a landslide.

However, Communist Party USA has openly said that their punch drunk puppet of a candidate should not concede even in an election night blowout.  They are planning to fight and fight dirty!

That is why they want mail-in ballots which can easily be tampered with.

I have a deceased relative getting voter registration packets delivered to my home right now.  Remember in 2018 when all those races were flipped after more votes were suddenly found in classrooms and the like?

How many flipped Republican?  ZERO!

2018 was a dress rehearsal for the big dance on November 3.  So yes, vote; but that’s not my challenge.

As I said earlier, a normal politician would have crumbled to the chaos.  However Donald J. Trump is thriving, not because he is Superman (though his constitution is exceptional).

Trump is on God’s side of the battle and he needs God’s Intervention.  So this is my challenge:  say The Lord’s Prayer (the Our Father linked here) for Donald Trump’s uninterrupted (they may try to drag the election out past Trump’s first term) re-election beginning today through his second inauguration.  We must also pray for the President’s safety.

So, are you in?  The prayer said with feeling takes about a minute or less.  You all have a minute right?

Don’t believe in God or prayer but support Trump?  Do it anyway; what do you have to lose?

You’re Jewish?  PERFECT!  The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer given to Jews by a Jew.

Throw more in if you want.  Hail Mary’s, Glory Bees, Novenas, Rosaries, lighting a candle, Chaplet of Mercy and fasting are all powerful.

Start small and build.  3:00 PM is the hour of the Crucifixion.  It is also the hour of Christ’s heightened Mercy and Generosity so that’s a great time to pray.

Do what you can, but please pray.  Talk soon.


6 thoughts on “A Challenge to Trumpers”

  1. I will gladly take the challenge, Marksman. If I may, I would like to share a (warfare) prayer with your audience, courtesy of Ms. Sheila Zilinsky:

    Father God, we repent for this nation, especially for the shedding of innocent blood through abortion. We repent for ANY and ALL sin that opened the door for the enemy to gain legal ground for what is taking place in this nation. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Father, we come boldly to your throne of grace, standing in AGREEMENT, in one accord, (as demonstrated in the Book of Acts). Jesus made an open show of and disarmed principalities and powers, and we have been given that power, authority, and dominion over ALL the power of the enemy. We exercise it now, (Luke 10:19) IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS We take authority over the principalities and powers, wicked spirits, thrones, and dominions and rulers in the high places; in the air, on the land, in the water and underground. We bind the strongman over our nation right now, all territorial spirits and all marine spirits operating over the nation. We lift up DJT and his family to you. We bind, cage and chain every demon operating against Donald J Trump. Satan we bind you, rebuke you, and render you and your demons powerless against DJT. In Jesus name, we bind the strongman assigned to him. In the name and by the shed blood of Jesus we cut off and bring to naught the power of the spirit of the witch, wizard, warlock, witchdoctor, magi, divinator, sorcerer and high priest sending assignments against him. We come against them BY THE power of the SHED BLOOD of JESUS. We loose a WALL of FIRE of the HOLY GHOST around ourselves, DJT and AMERICA! (Zechariah 2:5). We sever the silver cord of every spirit that is astral projecting. In the name of Jesus we cut off and bring to naught every ritual, custom, ceremony, curse, hex, vex, spell, incantation, chant, evil spoken judgment, magik, evil prayer, dance, trance, animal or human sacrifice, drums, shells/beads/bones /candles, pins, nails, rituals, customs, voodoo and hoodoo, hulu and julu, santeria and palomayombe. We cut off ALL these supply lines, seals, cords, alters, ligatures, laylines, pathways, gates and portals. We declare that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God to the tearing down of strongholds. We decree that Jesus Christ is the name above every name and that at his name, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that He alone is Lord, in heaven and on earth. Right now we loose civil war into the enemy’s camp! We command the mighty warrior angels to make war immediately on all entities, fallen angels and dark powers to destroy our President! Even as Paul declared blindness upon the agents of darkness in Acts 13:6-11, we, too, declare blindness upon all those taking part in evil plots against DJT—that they will grope about as one in darkness so their plans CANNOT be carried out! WE DECREE RIGHT NOW THAT OUR ENEMIES ARE TURNING ON EACH OTHER and that every curse from the kingdom of darkness will fall upon those sending it. In Jesus name we send ALL curses back to the devils. Father we ask you to deliver Donald J. Trump from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. We ask that you would grant Donald J. Trump complete amnesty from his enemies. We make a request (according to Phil 4:6) that all evil deeds and assignments be arrested right now and that massive arrest warrants are going out NOW! God we thank you that you are the God who has fixed his throne upon righteousness and justice! We ask that you place your mighty warrior angels to stand shoulder- to-shoulder around Donald J. Trump that no evil would penetrate. We decree and declare that no evil will befall Donald J, Trump! And finally Father, we ask you to bless these United States of America. We give you the praise, honor, and glory; and we give you thanks. We pray this In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    AMEN and Amen.

  2. There was a scary time back in June when there seemed to be no enthusiasm for President Trump.I believe he was well aware of that ,but this man does nothing by accident,his greatest strength.Like a marathon runner he laid back and is now giving his strong kick to the finish line.The candidate with the momentum wins.The mail in voting is definitely a major concern for us,everyone knows,including democrats and the media that this is designed to steal the election.I’m on with the prayer,I’ll even say it twice a day.

    1. Thank you for joining your brothers in Christ Tom. I apologize for the late response. Thanks again for the outstanding comments. God Bless.

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