Just a Quick Thought…

I was thinking about something recently. Obviously, many of the things synonymous with American culture have been HIJACKED! by the globalist corporatocracy.

First, they began working homosexuals into network television shows. Then, they became completely overrepresented in storylines, commercials, etc.

Then came the attacks on professional sports, whether it be celebrations of sodomy or inaccurate narratives about institutional racial injustices that have not existed for quite some time. This has of course progressed to the hilarious phenomena of men competing against women.

Now the top American beer company is promoting satanic ideologies. Satan is only able to do what God allows. Could it be that Jesus has allowed these things to be poisoned because we as a society have over-indulged in this stuff so much and for so long that we made it our god?

I know firsthand how much I have gluttonized myself in the past on booze and pro sports. Could it be that Jesus is allowing our entertainment to be dominated by Satan so that we turn back to our Lord and Savior which involves being entertained by each other rather than the filth that is now the norm in music, sports and consumerism?

Just a thought. Talk soon.
