Left’s Continued War on Masculinity

The left and therefore the media is fiercely at war with masculinity.  By now you all now about the “Covington Kid” but just to be clear this is Nick Sandmann:

Courtesy of Life Site News

Nick is a Catholic schoolboy who went with his classmates on a trip from Kentucky to DC for the March for Life.  After the March he and his classmates were verbally accosted by the Black Hebrew Israelites for being white devils in MAGA hats, fag**ts, products of incest and such.

After some back and forth between the groups, he of course had his space invaded by some weirdo beating a drum in his face.  Sandmann smiled and did not budge.

He showed total composure.  It was perfect; he neither escalated nor capitulated.

On the other hand, there is an 11 year old boy named Desmond Napoles who has performed in drag for adult entertainment.  Yup, he danced at a Brooklyn night club for money back in December.

He actively participates in LGBT events.  Where are his parents, you may ask?  Well his mother is his manager and his father, as you will see in the coming clip is a soyboy at best and quite honestly looks like a man who has no business around children.

In fact, this kid even has a stage name:  Desmond is Amazing.  My original plan was to post a picture of this kid next to Nick Sandmann, but I don’t want to exploit this poor soul anymore than necessary to get my point across.

Now, let’s examine how these two boys have been treated by the media.  Napoles and his family have been celebrated.

He was given a big platform on Good Morning America.  Please brace yourself and watch the clip here.  BTW, I can only conclude from watching that cringe-worthy video that Michael Strahan is a proponent of the sexualization of pre-adolescent children.

His parents were reportedly told by a psychologist not to deter this.  This type of parenting is promoted on television  and I constantly see parents trying to befriend their children rather than mold them creating a society of self-centered weaklings (just what the elites want).

I don’t have kids but when I was one, I always found that my peers who were allowed limitless self expression were and are today f**ked up.

Meanwhile, Nick Sandmann and his family were vilified while the freak with the drum was celebrated as a war hero.

We have since learned that this mutt has a criminal record with a questionable military background (though he did serve and should be proud) bordering on stolen valor.

Sandmann and his family have received death threats and violent insinuations from adults, even famous ones.  While MSM has stated they don’t condone the group of racist adults who started the confrontation, where was the outrage?

The Black Hebrew Israelites were written off as a miniscule fringe group, which they are.  But white supremacists are also pretty fringe today.

I mean real ones.  Not those labeled as such by professors because they support capitalism and like George Washington.

Now some of you will say that if a black kid was being called names by adults and had a drum beaten in his face while reacting in identical fashion to Sandmann he would be called heroic.  No so fast!

That’s actually a lazy rationale if you take a minute to think about the scenario.

As I have said before, Ideology Trumps Race in these situations.  The BHIs were also yelling bigoted things at black people in the vicinity who did not agree with them.

They were called “Uncle Toms” and “n**gers” by this group.  So yes, if a black kid in a Hope and Change shirt was the victim of such racism and attempted intimidation the kid would be called a hero.

But if a black kid in a MAGA hat were in that situation he would get the Joe Frazier Treatment.

Sandmann and another white kid named David Hogg have both shown an unapologetic set of beliefs.  One was celebrated, one was threatened.

You see the Nick Sandmanns of the world are exactly the young spirits that the elites want to break.  Don’t let them.

As for Demond Nobles, he and his family need our prayers.  They are pawns in our sick society’s path toward the normalization of pedophilia.

But one thing is for sure:  today’s grown men can learn a lot from Nick Sandmann standing his ground in that short moment.  Talk soon.
