A Voice Terrifying to The Left

The satanic Democrat party has counted on and exploited the black vote for decades.  For half a century the party that fought to keep slavery, the party of Jim Crow has lied to black America around election time every 2-4 years.

They collect the votes then turn their backs satiating them with the crumbs of entitlements and quotas.  20th century slave master Lyndon Johnson whose greatest achievements were the Great Society (expanded welfare) and escalating the Vietnam War had this to say about the black voter.

Malcom X had this to say about the donkey party that he saw right through.  I often disagree with X’s rhetoric but there is no denying he was an independent thinker.

Now there is a movement for independent thought brewing in this country spearheaded by the Rosa Parks of our time.  Think I’m overstating her?

She has been harassed and threatened in coffee shops by white thugs.  Only difference is these ANTIFA scum wear black sheets rather than white.

The mainstream media largely tries to ignore her.  When they can’t she is given the Joe Frazier Treatment.

I could easily see myself voting for her for president someday.  Her name is Candice Owens.  Watch each of the videos (I find the last one especially powerful) in THIS link to see why.

Talk soon.
