Why Get So Angry?

I realized something about myself this morning.  As I am driving to the gym to begin what I mentally find to be my hardest training cycle of the year, I realized something about my attitude that may be a mistake.

I was in the car driving.  I see a white man who epitomizes our weak western culture.

He is likely in his 40s wearing a sportsball sweatshirt and gym shorts.  All indications show he has no plans of going to the gym as he is obese and carrying a giant soda.

His face is buried in his phone as he crosses a very busy street with a high population of illegal aliens.  He is not looking where is going.

My guess is he is reading sportsball stats for his league where he fantasizes about superior men living superior lives rather than fantasizing about any type of personal superiority.  Those thoughts would be too scary as they require action rather than analysis alone.

He could easily be hit by a car.  If an opportunistic individual grabbed his $1,000 phone out of his hand, he is unlikely to catch up to the assailant.

Even if he could, he would be even more unlikely to have the guts to take back his stolen property.  Calling the cops would be his only hope.

His lack of attention to his surroundings would make it highly unlikely he could ID any potential perp.  Besides, the cops will want to get back to their patrol cars ASAP so they can text their gumars instead of doing an actual investigation.

I often see kids now wearing shorts in the winter.  I wonder why their parents who likely sent them for an experimental shot for a disease they were not in danger of to begin with don’t make them wear pants.  Now I see that they are likely just imitating Daddy Beta.

I often find myself in disgust when I look at other men in public, whether it be the full estrogenic in a mask who voted for a pedo, or the sports dunce who voted for Trump, but still thinks it is patriotic to back-duh-blue and post Go Ukraine! on Instaface.

The guy I saw today strikes me as the latter.  I think I get so frustrated because these men make it so much more difficult for us straight shooters to take stands against tyranny with their compliance.

But then, I realized something.  These are also the guys making life easier on those of us who can do more than 10 push-ups and properly dress ourselves.

So, I don’t know.  Maybe if we cannot convert these mutts, we can use them to make ourselves look way above average.

Maybe my distain for weak men is not in line with my own advice.  Is the stress it causes good for my blood pressure and overall mood?  It would seem not.

Is it making me anymore productive?  Not sure.

It did get me to write the first article of 2023.  Talk soon.
