Build From The Ground Up Politically

Part 7 of my HIJACKED! series of suggestions to survive tyranny is to build from the ground up politically.

This means playing the long game and it IS a long game.  We may not all be here to live the fruits of our labor, but part of being on the right side of this battle is to think beyond ourselves.

Though we detest the left, we must admire their tenacity.  While we chase 270 electoral votes, congressional majorities and Supreme Court seats, they do the same while also chasing every possible victory; no election or issue is too small for them.

The result?  They have essentially taken over every aspect of the culture be it politics, education, entertainment, the arts, science, even the churches.

Oh come on, how can you say those demonic people have taken over the churches?  

How many churches do you see flying LGBT flags and messages?  I see several.

Even some of those churches that don’t go so far as to fly sodomy flags still water down their message at times to avoid offending their haters on the left or the donor class.

Many are on board with Godless scientists (the same who claim butchering innocent babies is safe and humane) who claim we need possibly dubious vaccines and secular burkas.  They force us to worship in fear.

The time is right for our movement.  People are angry with the tyrannical COVID restrictions and the stealing of the White House.  For the first time, people on the right have shown up in numbers to take to the streets and make a stand.

I spoke with one of those fighters after Pence the Pussy became a traitor to Trump.  He is a lawyer considering running for Freeholder in a northeast shithole.

One of the things he said that I thoroughly agree with is that our movement needs to think small right now.

Yes, we need to take over the GOP.  The all-talk, no action traitors bought and sold by Big Tech (that means you too Jim Jordan) must go.  The neocon war mongers like Nicky Haylie must go.

We must support America first MAGA candidates in primaries ONLY.  If they lose, we write in for them or withhold our votes in the general election.

Even if that means Communist Party USA wins, we have to clean house in the Republican Party before we can truly take back the country.  Again, this is a long game.

But America first is not just for national elections.  It is for EVERY election.

It is for gubernatorial elections, state legislatures, mayoral elections, town counsels, school boards.  Shit, we must make sure our children don’t vote for indoctrinated lefties for student government.

I always pretty much blew off my town and schoolboard elections.  No more.

We must run for Office, not just the things that are obvious.  If you watch Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic, you know that Dan Schultz reports (see link here) that one of the best ways for us to take over the party is to become Committeemen.

I never even knew what this was.  You are essentially electing the electors in your state.  We saw in 2020 how important this is.

The good news is that a huge number of these seats are vacant.  MAGA people can get in these seats unopposed in many cases.

Sometimes our jobs do not allow us to run for Office.  However, they cannot stop us from becoming active concerned citizens.

We can attend our local counsel meetings and become the annoying squeaky wheels who get the grease.  Mike Cernovich tweeted something very simple but poignant about a month ago.

To paraphrase, he said that we can get more done for our side with 100 schoolboard members than we can with 100 congressmen.

Think about that.  A schoolboard member can get things changed or headed in a different direction with far less red tape than anyone in the DC swamp.  Just ask Donald Trump.

He had more impact in New York City as a private builder than he did as the leader of the free (kind of) world.

This means looking out for people in our like minded community.  Leftist lawyers were quick to defend terrorists in Guantanamo Bay a decade or so ago.

Yet now there are MAGA people sitting in custody basically with trespassing charges (I am not talking about violent people or vandals) without bail for months having trouble obtaining good representation.

They may be stuck with public defenders who are already hostile toward them.  Maybe your contribution could be doing some pro-bono or even courageous paid work for a misguided but good hearted patriot.

We also should start supporting conservative art.  Huh…huh…art!  That’s for libs.  Really tough guy?  You don’t like movies?  You don’t like music?  Do you like Norman Rockwell paintings better than statues of the Blessed Mother vandalized with human excrement?

The left funds art that promotes their cause.  Yet, Fox News never even mentioned Cernovich’s Hoaxed when it was a top seller or many similar documentaries, not even Tucker Carlson who had quite a habit last summer of paraphrasing his Twitter timeline without ever mentioning his name.

There is something all of us can contribute.  No task, no cause, no election is too small.

I mentioned in Adversity my admiration for wrestling legend Dan Gable.  What made Gable so special as a wrestler and coach was his philosophy of always outworking the opponent and fighting every second of every match for every inch of that mat.

Granted, we don’t have the elite donors that the left has.  But as Joe Louis said about the United States going up against Nazi, Germany, we will win because we are on God’s side.

It’s a long grind.  But if we combine and indominable will with the Armor of God, we can’t lose.  Talk soon.


2 thoughts on “Build From The Ground Up Politically”

  1. Marksman, thank you for your wonderful insight. You lay out the big picture from the ground up. I agree that it is local elections that will have the most effect on family life. I only recently learned how powerful the office of Sheriff is – only to be dismayed to learn that the Sheriff is not an elected official in NYC. Here, he serves at the pleasure of the mayor, which totally compromises his position (especially as it pertains to upholding state and federal constitutions).

    I was especially struck by your comment vis-a-vis supporting worthy candidates in primaries and writing them in or withholding our vote in the general election if they lost. Love, love that concept. See … maybe women shouldn’t vote. Just kidding, ladies 😉 I recall my parents would agree to vote for a particular candidate, as a couple! I was extremely opposed to that concept. It makes perfect sense to me now. Go figure!

    As always, much love to you, Marksman.

    1. Thank you Grace. Yes, if my memory serves me correctly, it was the DeBlasio and Cuomo’s Sheriff henchmen who arrested that Irish bar owner on Staten Island for exercising his American birth right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by keeping his establishment fully open. That is why we must be more judicious on the right when it comes to the back-the-blue philosophy.

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