Are You An Energy Sponge?

We are now in a new year.  It’s a horrible time of year even when things are good.

It’s actually the worst time of the year.  3 long months of darkness, snow, cold, wind.  It’s just junk so please save the Happy New Years.  There is nothing happy about it till Spring.

However, it is a time when people tend to take stock of themselves and maybe make some improvements.

One of my goals is to compartmentalize, minimize or in some cases eliminate energy sponges from my life.  It is also my goal not to be an energy sponge, which we all can be from time-to-time.

An energy sponge soaks up your energy with minimal or no return.  He adds to your stress; always adding to your plate and never taking anything off.

Energy sponges are objects of exhaustion in an already exhausting world.

When we are trying to live as free, hopeful and productive as possible striving for self improvement, energy sponges are roadblocks.

What specifically constitutes an energy sponge is subjective.  Just off the top of my head, here are some example questions I plan to begin to ask myself to assess the forces in my life that may need to be reduced going forward.

Do you always need something whether it is a favor, time or advice but never have the ability to reciprocate even if it’s with some good company or a kind word?  If so, you could be an energy sponge.

Do you constantly need attention for health issues, but rely solely on the sick care industry with no lifestyle changes whatsoever?  If so, you could be an energy sponge.

Are you red pilled enough to see the breakdowns of society, but will only complain and take absolutely no action beyond consuming news and podcasts while becoming angrier and lazier?  If so, you could be an energy sponge.

When people are willing to get out and take action (large or small) do you encourage them regardless of the likelihood of success or always discourage with negativity making their struggle harder?  If it’s the latter, you could be an energy sponge.

Are you red pilled yet still overly compliant with communist mandates just helplessly hoping that Big Daddy Government will someday say okay, back to normal?  If so, you could be an energy sponge.

Do you take yourself so seriously that you cannot have a laugh at your own expense?  If so, you could be an energy sponge.

Are you so far the other way that your main source of enjoyment is gossip (we are all guilty) or tearing friends and loved ones down rather than encouraging and building them up?  If so, you could be an energy sponge.

Do you know in the depths of your red pilled soul that the problems of this world are spiritual but still seek secular solutions rather Jesus?  If so, you could be an energy sponge to yourself.

Are you someone who is well informed but sometimes a bit of a know-it-all who has to show that knowledge for ego gratification?  This often applies to me so I could be an energy sponge.

Finally, are you a complete passive aggressive communist who says they want to coexist and avoid political discussion, but in your passive aggressiveness always find a way to covertly take it there?

If so you ARE and energy sponge and will be minimalized in a big way if you cannot be completely eliminated from my life in 2022.  That includes family.

I am hoplefull that we on the right can make a big move in 2022 to take back our freedom.  Doing so will require us to be high energy.

Life is hard enough.  Let’s not allow energy sponges to make it harder.  Talk soon.
