We Have Hope

courtesy of nbcnews.com

If you watch Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic, you know that Peter Navarro’s report breaks down the massive election fraud in swing states during the 2020 presidential election which likely worked it’s way down the illegal ballots.

It is my belief that voter fraud takes place in most-if-not-all states.  I believe these “blue” states are not nearly as blue as most may think.

We also know that all voter fraud swings left, not right.  There is a reason the left does not want voter ID as they continue to call such voter suppression.

So I guess if you go to pick up your sportsball tickets at roll call without ID, it is fan suppression if they don’t just hand over those $1,000 tickets.

Well the massive voter fraud being harped upon by Bannon and his crew, which the Fox News controlled opposition does not seem to want to talk much about has led to a forensic hand audit of every ballot in Maricopa County, AZ.  Getting the results will take time; delgates from Georgia and Pennsylvania have gone out to observe in order to organize the same in their own states.

Meanwhile, the demonites on MSNBC and CNN are melting down over this AZ audit.  Why?  They are terrified of the truth coming out that China Joe and the harlot are illegitimate.

Many conservatives don’t even know this is going on.  They are too busy jerking off to double standard whiner porn on Fox.  This is why I no longer have cable.

Eh…eh…Hunter Biden said the N-word!  Can you imagine if Don Jr. said that…

Who gives a fuck?  Is there anything more dull than complaining about double standards?  What does it accomplishNOTHING!

We know these double standards exist.  It would be far less prevalent if the right weren’t such apologizing resigning pussies.

Why will nothing happen to Cuomo or Northam?  Because they weathered the storm, held tight and refused to apologize or resign.

So while Laura Ingraham so virtuously brow beats Trump that she will not re-litigate 11/3/20 on the air, War Room Pandemic has mobilized MAGA.

People are becoming precinct committeemen.  They are bombarding the schoolboards.  They are taking action!

Fox and Newsmax watchers are still buying back-the-blue stickers only to be assaulted by BLM right in front of cops who do nothing.

This is why Trump pushing Bannon out of his administration was foolish.  Bannon was the architect of the MAGA movement and he still is.

MAGA is bigger than Donald Trump.  Yes, Trump is likely still the best candidate we have for President if the election were today, but he continues to get railroaded by the establishment.

How many times does Kevin McCarthy go down to Mara Lago and whisper sweet nothings into Trump’s ear resulting in Trump endorsing never-Trumpers?  Meanwhile, he lets some of his people sit in Federal lock-up with trespassing charges after he called on them for support.

He should have paid for Ashli Babbitt’s funeral.  Has he even said her name publicly?

BTW-if you don’t know who Ashli Babbitt is, go and look her up.  If you’re too lazy to do so, stop reading me and go watch Fox and Friends.  You don’t belong here.

We must pray to Jesus to strengthen these forensic audits of the 2020 ballots.  Will it result in Trump being rightfully sworn back into Office?

I don’t rule it out.  However a better route for Trump would be to grab a FL congressional seat, become Speaker of the House and impeach the gong show in the White House.

I don’t foresee him humbling himself to the likes of Congressman though.  The truth about the election is vindication mainly for us, the deplorables who had our voices stolen.

Trump is secondary.  If enough of those states show that yes this was voter fraud, I believe the courts would then have to hear the evidence.

Remember!  When they refused to hear the evidence in November and December it was based on standing, not merit.  That means they were telling the states to investigate and clean up their own messes.

They were too cowardly.  Thankfully outlets like War Room Pandemic have been relentless and created a groundswell.

They thought we were going away, but MAGA has not backed off.  They have mobilized and the Republican state legislators know they will be unseated if they don’t act.

This is precisely why we must Build From The Ground up Politically.  Best case scenario is that Trump is back in Office by 2022.

However, the most important thing is the truth coming out and ensuring the future of our elections.

So if you want to be informed, turn off fake the tough guy on Fox who can’t decide if he wants to part his hair on the side or down the middle.  Turn off the boring knockoffs with better hair on Newsmax and start watching War Room Pandemic.

You can get the audio on this website or watch his shows on Rumble.  There are 3 one hour segments Monday-Saturday.

We have a long road ahead.  But the left is worried.

You know why?  Because they know we have the truth.

When we have the truth, we have hope.  Talk soon.




2 thoughts on “We Have Hope”

  1. So true,we have the truth and the superior numbers of Americans who see through this Marxist movement.It’s a shame that this ideology has taken over,so tired of the racist propaganda,such fools to follow this crap,it’s an uphill battle to unravel it all.Really scary what’s going on in our schools,I pray the movement to correct and put our youth on the right path gains strength and more momentum everyday.

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