Credit to Evangelicals

I have major disagreements with protestant and evangelical Christians on many things.  However, I have to give them credit in areas where Catholics are absent.

I will start with the disagreements.  They seem to eat up the glory of following Christ without having a stomach for suffering.

To them, just believing Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior guarantees you Eternal Life.  Even the devil believes Jesus is Lord and Savior, in fact he knows it.

For them, there is no Purgatory.  You believe in Christ, you go straight to Heaven.

The Blessed Mother Herself claims at Fatima that Purgatory exists.  I sure hope it does.  Otherwise, several of us will perish.

They seem to have distain for Catholics and our devotions to the Blessed Mother and the Saints.  They falsely accuse us of idolatry.

They seem triggered at times by our traditions.  Nowhere in the Bible does it say not to eat meat on Friday.  Does that mean I cannot make a gesture of sacrifice to honor Christ’s sacrifice?

They believe they can just confess their sins one-to-another rather than humble themselves before a priest who is a successor to the apostles (the ones sent out to forgive sins and told to confess one-to-another).  Are you really going to get any spiritual growth or atonement telling your best friend that you watched porn?

They marry multiple times and seem lenient on fornicating outside of marriage.  Their sites of worship have no atmosphere of honor to the Holy Trinity, the Prophets, etc.

Have you ever watched Joel Olsteen on TV?  Looks no different than a Barbara Streisand concert.

They seem not to even acknowledge Catholics as Christians but welcome rabbis who deny Christ as the Messiah with open arms.

Is that because their television networks are on the payroll of the Israeli lobby, the same lobby who buys off Washington DC?  I don’t know.

Several Catholics are in schism from the solemnity of the Mass for the bells and whistles of rehearsed preaching.  They choose entertainment over the sacraments and discipline that comes with them.

That is not to say that there is no place for fiery preaching.  Many of these preachers are very knowledgeable and on fire for the Word.

That brings me to where we Catholics have to give credit and learn a thing or two.  Evangelicals and protestants (not the ones hanging rainbow flags) do more with less.

They know their scripture very well and speak it publicly.  They seem to attend services in greater numbers per capita.

They use their faith in secular battles.  Most Christian leaders who were outspoken against mandates and lockdowns were not Catholic.  The Catholic priests who did speak out were cancelled.

Where were the bishops to write religious exemptions for us?  Nowhere.  They were encouraging the gene therapy.

We here at TSS had to turn to non-denominational Christians like David and Peggy Hall for our rights to be defended.  Even exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger has said that many protestants live more virtuous lives than their Catholic counterparts.

So, while non-Catholics often have to call our priests in to drive out demons when they cannot, they do seem to more openly and enthusiastically act as witnesses for Christ.  They seem to at times have more of a stomach to use their faith for secular day-to-day battles than our Catholic leaders.

I mean when you think about Catholic leaders in the public eye, you think of Francis calling Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi good Catholics and approving them for Communion.

Very few of the fighters we have on the political right are Catholic.  Those that are do not speak up hard enough on behalf of the Church.

Maybe they are embarrassed of the scandals and relativism that came about after Vatican II.  We need more traditional Catholics out there fighting publicly.  We need witnesses to the Faith.

The late Mother Angelica who formed EWTN once said that if you combined the protestant love of scripture with the Eucharist (and therefore the Catholic Doctrine of the Faith), you would have the perfect Christian.

I cannot argue.  Many evangelicals and protestants are doing more with less.  Talk soon.



PS:  The more Catholics practice their faith, the more our leaders will be forced to step up.  We cannot hold them to standards to which we do not hold ourselves.