Midterm Takeaway

I have been waiting for the ongoing midterm elections to be finalized before writing this.  However, rather than wait for them to find the requisite number of  fraudulent votes the Democrats need, I am going to do this now.

From what I have seen, the fraud and theft continues.  How many times do you have to see plumbing issues stopping the count followed by ballots being taken out of suitcases from under desks (GA 2020), security cameras going out in the middle of the night (NV 2022), voting machines going down (AZ 2022), ballots being dropped off by out-of-state vehicles in the middle of the night and windows being shaded with cardboard at counting locations (MI 2020), candidates drawing tens of thousands to events losing to candidates who draw 100 including their own staff and still not want to say VOTER FRAUD aloud?

How many anomalies need to happen?

I have been in various towns in Pennsylvania numerous times throughout the last few years.  I am always struck by the prominence of pro-Trump and MAGA signs, flags, stickers, etc. I see.  It is incredibly overt.

So, I am supposed to believe that an America First candidate like Doug Mastriano lost convincingly to a guy who was partially responsible for the state being stolen in 2020?

I am no fan of Dr. Oz and he was a terrible endorsement by Trump.  I would not have pulled the lever for that transvestite promotor.  However, he is objectively the most popular household name in America if we are talking about doctors.  I don’t count doctors who lie about the pronunciation of their name.

He lost to a handicapped lurch in a hooded sweatshirt who opens a debate saying goodnight?  Brian Kemp wins going away in Georgia over Stacey Abrams, but beloved Bulldog Hershel Walker is in a run-off with a no-name Marxist?

Yeah, these are about as believable as a man who was a fool before he came down with dementia and began defecating himself with pedo tendencies receiving more votes than polarizing but iconic men like Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Husein Obama or Donald Trump.

An unpopular governor who locked down Michigan while she and her husband were out enjoying lake life and was part of an orchestrated kidnapping in a swing state won re-election easily and legitimately?

Kari Lake, who draws major crowds even without Trump is losing to Katie Hobbs, who btw runs the elections in Arizona as current Secretary of State and hid from the public?

Historically, the opposition party to the one sitting in the White House normally wins the midterms.  That is even with legitimate Presidents with actually strong bases.

It even happens in good economic times with the exception being when the GOP kept the house after George W. Bush lied us into Iraq.  But now with inflation, sending countless trillions to Ukraine, mandate tyranny, grooming kids for sodomy and a pants-soiler in Office there is a stalemate at best?

Even mainstream exit polls were showing that the percentage of Americans who felt the country was heading in the wrong direction was in the 70s.  These polls always swing left.

If you believe all this, please go!  Go put out some cookies for Santa, plant some carrots for the Easter Bunny and watch Snuka vs. Muraco on YouTube while believing it is real.

Just don’t read this site anymore.  In fact, stay away from us completely.  Go watch the NFL or something.  Check your fantasy stats.

So anyway, I have some take-aways going forward:

1-Don’t Be Distracted

In an attempt to distract from the theft of this and the last election, the left is attempting to lay the groundwork for a split between Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis.  As Steve Bannon often says, that is noise, not signal.

I said last article that I was mostly keyed in on the races for governor and Secretary of State and that is where the biggest theft seems to be taking place, especially in Arizona.

The governors and SOS’s have tremendous say in how each state runs their election.  The Dems know that if people like Lake and AZ Secretary of State nominee Mark Finchem win, they are likely to decertify 2020 and will get rid of mail-in ballots going forward thwarting much of the fraud.

If every swing state has mail-in ballots it doesn’t matter if Trump, DeSantis or George Washington run.  Unless something is done about this mail-in farse or the GOP starts harvesting ballots in mass numbers where it is legal (unlikely with people like McConnell, McCarthy and Rona ROMNEY McDaniel running the party), the same theft will happen again.

Trump is apparently likely to declare soon.  It may have already happened by the time you read this.  It will be anticlimactic at this point.

I am not saying he should not run.  I actually think a Trump-DeSantis primary would be healthy for the Party.

The idea that they can’t slug it out, then come together is ridiculous.  It happens all the time.  But it just doesn’t matter as of today.

2-Parents Are Awaken

Our movement did make some headway in schoolboard elections led by groups like Moms for Liberty.  This doesn’t grab headlines but it moves the needle.  No win is too small.

Local is where it is at.  Keep fighting for your children.

3-The Right Must Unite

Yes, primaries are healthy.  The populist grassroots wing of GOP must continue on its uphill takeover.

However, the division among that populist grassroots arm is a problem.  Everyone wants their niche to be dominant.

I am a huge fan of Steve Bannon and his show.  If it were not for Bannon, Trump may have dropped out of the 2016 election after the Billy Bush tapes came out.

His War Room Pandemic podcast has really triggered the left and mobilized the electorate on the right to get involved.  However, he is petty at times.

He has Rona ROMNEY McDaniel on his show, but gets Nick Fuentes banned from GETTR which is supposed to be a free speech platform?  He doesn’t have to like Nick Fuentes, but the fact is that Fuentes has a huge young following and is the future of the right.

Some of Bannon’s guests like John Fredericks are constantly wrong about election outcomes.  Even Bannon himself touts 100 seats to govern for 100 years.

Did that just happen and I missed it?  Guys like Ali Alexander and Mike Cernovich (who does make occasional appearances) are far better election prognosticators than Fredericks or fake alpha male Boris Epshteyn.

Alex Jones does the best job of bringing these factions together by talking with all of them on his platform.

4-Stop Propping Up Liberals

Yeah, okay Bill Maher and John Stewart have said some basic red pill things over the last year.  I only know this because multiple people have told me.

Did those guys vote Republican last week or are they battered wives with Stockholm Syndrome who keep coming back for more to satisfy their kink for abuse?  I think we all know the answer.

Same goes for your uncle who complains about gas prices at Thanksgiving.  He should be congratulated on what he voted for.  In fact, he should fill your tank and then send 30% of his paycheck along with his son to aid the Ukrainians fighting his enemy, Putin.

5-Degenerate Electorate

While I do not buy the legitimacy of many elections, I am not dumb to the fact that tens of millions actually do vote for communism.  Degenerates are always a friend to the communist until the commies no longer need them; then, they kill them.

People under 30 and unmarried women came out huge for the Dems.  I am not going to waste time repeating what I think SHOULD make up the electorate.

I think this goes to the family dynamic.  Children run the home in this country.

They don’t do household chores or get jobs.  The boys cannot start a lawn mower and the girls can’t fry eggs.

Much of this is because youth sports now dominates the culture.  Female independence is promoted over Biblically ordered submission.

These kids grow up to leave their garbage out uncovered because they want the $15 it costs for a new trash can to buy more IPA and weed.  Then they complain to the landlord that they have mice.

The females are clinging to their pills and ability to kill their own child rather than to have fully stocked grocery shelves.  These people get an equal vote to the self-made small business owner.

6-Don’t Quit

We will be judged by the fruits we produce.  Did we fight the good fight?

Things are bleak.  They may get bleaker.  But NEVER give up the fight.  You never know.  Read this poem.

If David never stood up to Goliath, he would not have been King.  But what did King David have that America does not?  That brings me to my next point.

7-We Need Christ

Once again, Christians (specially Catholics) are not taking their faith seriously enough.  There is no secular cure to a spiritual problem.

Last article I said we were either facing the slow end of America or a fourth turning.  I assume most here want a fourth turning.

It will not happen unless we ask Jesus Christ to heal our land.  Would you continuously grant favors to someone who only comes to you when they need something and then ignores you for something more entertaining?

So why are you asking Christ to do such a thing?  Talk soon.
