Dangers Of Modern Travel

Travelling today, especially by plane is dangerous.  No, not because of the possibility of a crash.

Let’s start with the basic stress of flying.  Personally, I don’t get stressed with fear.

I normally make sure I get to Confession before a trip so if I die in a plane crash, I will feel nothing and my soul will be in the presence of Jesus.

So I don’t get anxiety about flight safety.  I get worked up because I am OCD about packing and preparation to be on time.

I am a control freak so I don’t love having to think about the driver getting me to the airport.  So packing and getting to the airport are stressful.

Then you get there and get ordered around by people.  At my local airports, several of the staff are nasty, lazy and ignorant as they tell me where to go, where to stand, to take out my valuables and trust them not to steal, to take my shoes, belt and accessories off.

They take my luggage and I have to trust them to get it to the right place.  They try to get me to print my own tickets.  Why are they there if I have to work?

I play dumb and make them print it.  Then they give me the ghetto attitude because I stole 40 seconds from playing with their phones.

So by the time I get to the gate I am even more stressed.  Then I get on the plane after doing the right thing and checking my large bag.

I carry a very small bag on but all these people, especially the women pack the overheads with their kitchen sink.  If a bag has wheels it should be checked.

Then I have to sit in a seat I barely fit in.  I have to get up for people to go to the bathroom.  More stress.

What is the major cause of all health problems?  Stress!

Now on top of that I have to wear a mask for hours at a time.  So I can’t breathe properly on top of the stress:  more health risks.

Airports and airplanes are germ farms.  So all the viral and bacterial germs that mask comes into contact with are right in my face.  The stewardesses are women or homosexuals who now have hall monitor power to tell paying customers to get that mask over your nose!

That’s more stress and inflammation on the body and mind.  Now, I have only flown domestically a few times since the virus hit.

Flying domestically is dangerous enough.  How about international?  Now you are talking 10-20 hours on that plane.

You have to be at the scumhole airport longer to deal with customs.  You are looking at an entire day in a germ-filled mask choking on your own CO2.

On top of that, you need a COVID test for each flight.  I know some people who recently flew from South America-to the United States-to the Middle East-to the United States-to South America within about two weeks.

They had to get tested each time and did not have time for saliva testing.  They had to get swabs shoved up their noses.

These swabs are reportedly sterilized with Ethylene Oxide, a carcinogen.

That’s more stress and inflammation.  Personally, I don’t see myself flying internationally anytime soon.

Is it unreasonable to think that a long international road trip can take a few months off your life?

Sounds dangerous to me.  Talk soon.


4 thoughts on “Dangers Of Modern Travel”

  1. Flew twice last year,once to Florida and Jamaica and back.I can honestly say if I never get on another airplane I’m good for the rest of my life.Stress level is out of control,makes you miss the old days when stewardesses were hot and people could light up a cigarette and drink a martini.

    1. I was a kid in those days but do recall a trip to Florida with my father. He probably smoked a pack of cigarettes on the flight. Somehow, we all lived. Freedom beats security every time.

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