Kanye Hated for Message of Love

TSS has been quiet for a while but we’re still here.  Maybe just a little funk from the terrible winter extension here in the Northeast which means I need to get a little tougher mentally.

Onto our topic.  Kanye West has been prominent in the news lately for shaking up the establishment and challenging his accepted place in the world by that same establishment (mainly the Democrat Party of slavery).  West has shown too much free thinking for their taste.

Let me first say that I know very little about Kanye West.  I basically know him to be a famous rapper (I don’t know one lyric) married into a family of spoiled bimbos who became famous with no talent because we have a become a society of mentally weak morons.

But West broke into areas I pay attention to in the last couple weeks by sending out tweets supporting Candice Owens (a black woman who also has stepped over the boundaries of what the mostly white left has set for her kind), stating that he loves President Donald J. Trump and taking pictures in MAGA hats.

This created some shakeup on both sides of the political sphere.  You have the George Soros soldiers on the satanic left in an uproar claiming to be worried about West’s mental health.  You have fellow rappers calling for a Crips beat-down of West for claiming his love for Trump.  This is typical.

Every time a prominent black person today thinks and speaks outside those boundaries set by the party of slavery they are fair game for attack.  Think about it.

What do Justice Clarence Thomas, Condalisa Rice, Herman Cain, Ben Carson and Candice Owens all have in common?  All are or have been painted by the Democrat loving media as traitors to their race, sell-outs and Uncle Toms.  They get The Joe Frazier Treatment.

Now as Mike Cernovich has pointed out, the right are no angels in this either.  Those limpd***s who outside Trump and a select few who stand for much but fight for nothing are licking their chops in desperation for just one younger, hipper celebrity than Clint Eastwood to jump on their train.

Add to it that this celeb also happens to be a black man and the establishment GOP is like a dog waiting for a crumb to drop.  They know that if they could ever significantly cut into the donkey’s stronghold on the black vote it could be a deathblow to the left (this makes their intensions no more genuine than the left’s).

However those thinking that way will likely be disappointed.  I suspect Mr. West is not a conservative.  Seems like he is just an independent thinker who probably has more liberal leanings than conservative if I had to guess.

Then again, maybe that is just my own prejudices talking.  Yes folks, like it or not we are all prejudiced; it’s okay, you can admit it.

Yes, I made it clear in my first article that bigotry would not be tolerated here but we are all prejudiced to some degree if we are being honest with ourselves.  It’s even shown throughout the Bible.

One thing is for certain:  this guy is way more influential than I ever gave him credit for.  There is a reason everyone is so triggered by him.

The biggest reason the left is so triggered is because he is preaching a message of love.  He is putting out an olive branch for peace among us.

Now while I’m always skeptical of the motives of celebrities, if West is sincere he is dangerous to the satanic globalist movement on both sides of the aisle.

They know they have nothing if there is not hatred and division amongst us.  I often write about how traditional America needs to start taking action and fighting for their cause the way the left does.

I stand by that.  But we can’t beat Satan and his soldiers at their own game of hate.

It appears Kanye is trying to have people who disagree on many things focus on the things they do agree on rather than strictly thinking in a Democrat vs. Republican box.  He himself claims to love Trump (whom many Dems voted for) but disagree with him at times.

Jesus told us to love and pray for our enemies.  He didn’t say to roll over for them, but maybe a guy like Kanye West is making so many waves because he is advocating for common ground and independent thought rather than differences and boundaries.  Talk soon.
