Ready For the Draft?

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Are you ready for the draft? No, not the sportsball league draft or the one where you fantasize about other men.

I am talking about a military draft. You see, as the globalists and NATO escalate the war in Ukraine into WWIII with your money we may find we don’t have enough soldiers.

I am not sure that Emma and the trannies and pin cushions on their 4th booster will be enough to take on Putin and whoever else he joins forces with. They drove out many strong patriots because they didn’t support the illegitimate hair sniffer or refused to be poisoned.

With the rise of independent media, the warrior class that joined up after 9/11 is now too smart to put their lives on hold for a government who hates them. If you are from a generation younger than the Baby Boomers, you never experienced a draft.

However, in the times of world wars and conflicts in Asia, they were quite common. Today’s patriot is too informed to fall for Uncle Sam’s cool hat. They will have to be forced to fight the evil Putin.

You know, that guy who promotes Christian values rather than sodomy and killing babies? Yeah, that guy we provoked into this conflict whose economy while small is thriving in comparison to where it was when Trump was in Office.

There is talk that the sniffer-in-chief will announce this week that we are sending tanks over. It has already been reported that we are training and advising troops over there. Does anyone really think that American soldiers have not already been thrown into actual combat?

Eventually as things ram up, there will not be enough to take on such a large military from a resource-rich country that actually values masculinity. I guess not enough of you blue and yellow flag waivers took President Zelensky up on his offer to go over and fight.

Since it is Winter, it may be a good time to have Junior go out and march in the snow a little to get him used to where our government just might be looking to send him soon. Yes, I know he is only 19 but he cannot bring his fuzzy pajamas that he wears every day to sociology.

Don’t send him to his physical in a dress to try to get him a Section Eight either. Nope, the Corporal Klinger routine won’t work in today’s military.

It actually may get him promoted to Sergeant. Talk soon.
