WE are Building the Wall!!!

Construction is nearly complete in New Mexico on a section of border wall built with private funds raised by a nonprofit called We Build The Wall.
courtesy of Kcur

We are building the wall.  Need proof?  Check out the above photo of brand new border wall built at the southern border.

Yes WE the people, not President Trump or any other part of the government have finally broken ground on new wall.

I’m going to throw some of you lefties and neocon Never-Trumpers a bone.  Ready?  President Donald J. Trump has lied often!

No, not about colluding with Putin or other Russian boogie men.  But Trump is not immune to lying in other areas.

Huh…huh…how can you say that?  Well Sally, have you noticed when you watch those exciting rallies the President is so good at that he talks about “finishing the wall?”

Nonsense!  While some existing dilapidated barriers may have been restored, there has been no evidence of any new miles of border wall outside that funded and built privately.

We…we…well, the media hates him and doesn’t want to show his accomplishments.  That is largely true, but do you mean to tell me that kiss-ass Sean Hannity would not have at some point done his show at the border with bulldozers and hard hats moving about in the background if new ground had been broken by this administration?

Sorry to break it to you blind followers, but the fact is the President has folded at the border every time.  And my purpose here is not to campaign against Donald Trump.  He has done several good things.

The economy is good, jobs are up (most importantly manufacturing jobs); we are not getting smacked around in trade deals anymore.  He has kept us out of meaningless wars while crippling ISIS.

But what was the main thing that put him over?  What made some centrist Democrats vote for him?

What made the union laborer or tradesman who normally takes his voting orders from his corrupt delegate think for himself this time?  What made the guy who never cared as he rightfully, even if uninformed said they were all the same actually register and vote because Trump spoke to him on his level?

They all realized that as Michael Savage has been saying for 2 decades that our borders, language and culture are under attack by the elites who want to replace us with cheap foreign labor and people who were raised to be reliant on and afraid of tyrannical governments.

Now, I still support the President and plan to vote for him again.  He is one of the few threads America and western civilization are barely hanging on by.  But supporting someone without criticism is not support.

We used to get annoyed with the Obamalings who refused to criticize their demigod.  I refuse to be like them.

Now maybe after this Supreme Court ruling that the President can use military funds for the construction of a border wall, we will see some action.  I hope and think we will.

But he likely had the executive power to do this already.  The problem is, he surrounded himself with the swamp he promised to drain.

Rather than surrounding himself with MAGA people, he allowed his staff to be largely constructed of GOP establishment who still hate him for embarrassing their own in the 2016 primary.  Oh, and throw in a liberal power couple from New York (Javanka).

People friendly to the MAGA base like General Flynn, Steve Bannon and Anthony Scaramucci were sacrificed.

The President himself proved that private citizens get far more done than government.  Go back and research how he embarrassed New York Mayor Ed Koch by building an ice rink faster than expected and under budget when the Mayor couldn’t.

Bottom line:  if you believe in the wall and want progress made quickly, put your money where your mouth is (if you can spare it of course).  You can click this link to donate.

No amount is too small.  Talk soon.


PS:  If you have any information proving that Trump’s administration has built any NEW wall or barrier that did not already exist, please leave a comment or notify me on Twitter.  I WANT to be wrong about what I said above!