Don’t Talk Politics With Democrats

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Don’t talk politics with Democrats.  You will convince them of nothing.

It is like preaching the Gosepel to non-believers.  You can give example after example.  You can perform a miracle in Jesus’ Name in front of them and they still wouldn’t believe.

Does that mean there is no hope for them?  No, but you cannot preach them to Jesus.  They have to make their own journey.

They will come to you when and if they are ready.  All you can do is pray for them and move them by bearing good fruit.

Same goes for Democrats.  Sure, many take the red pill at some point.

Many Obama voters flipped to Trump.  The Hispanic community is beginning to flip.

The white blue collar community has been the biggest flip.  White women seem to be the most hopeless.

I recently made the mistake of getting sucked into a political discussion with Dems at a family function.  I blame myself.  I drank too much and took the bait.

Allowing yourself to be rocked to sleep in liberal territory is as rookie a move as you can make.  It was a waste of time that resulted in nothing productive.

There were no grudges, but my desire to go back there is gone.  I recall a few years ago around the time John McCain died.

I got into a political discussion with a Democrat family member who was appalled that President Donald J. Trump had insulted the deceased traitor.   My relative went on-and-on how McCain was such an admirable and respectable man.

He was a war hero who reached across the aisle.  I then asked this individual if he voted for McCain.

His response:  Well, no.  I’m a Democrat.  So, let’s see.  This war hero statesman you so admire couldn’t win your vote over a junior senator whom you likely never heard of until he primaried and beat Queen Crooked; I would bet my relative had little knowledge of this upstart other than that he had a voice as smooth as silk and was a Democrat.  SOLD!

Let me break down the true thought process.  This man liked McCain because he was an old, ugly, easy-to-defeat, boring white man whose defining political accomplishment was voting against the repeal of Obamacare in order stab Trump and MAGA.

You see, Democrats respect and appreciate Republicans who know how to lose, sell out their voters and die.  They will be talking favorably about George W. Bush when he dies, even though he was supposedly a racist when he was in Office.

Any white man in today’s political climate who is a Democrat or country club Republican seeking liberal acceptance is a self-hating beta male.

Don’t bother trying to convert them.  The red pill must be taken through free will.

It cannot be force-fed.  Talk soon.


4 thoughts on “Don’t Talk Politics With Democrats”

  1. Totally agree,couple of people at work who were Riden with Biden,don’t like him anymore after he destroyed the country but hate MAGA.Go figure ,can’t argue with facts with a Democrat.

    1. Don’t waste your words on the ignorant. However, be sure to congratulate them. Congratulate them on their gas prices, energy costs and grocery bill. Congratulate them on their sons’ upcoming sex changes. If they are carjacked, congratulate them on their stance for social justice. When they get exactly what they ordered, congratulations are in order! Thanks, Tom.

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