Are Hispanic Americans Our Last Hope?

Are Hispanic Americans our last hope for the United States?  I thought this was an America First site.  Has Marksman flipped?

I said Hispanic AMERICANS dumb-dumb, not illegal aliens.  Now take a minute and put your thinking cap on.

Let’s look at who our top enemy is.  It’s Satan.  What are his soldiers pushing?

They are pushing secularism, communism, sodomy, feminism, etc.

Now let’s look at Hispanic American culture in general.  They are Christians who tend to actually practice their faith.

It is a male-led community.  Yes, the women can be feisty but they will largely and properly submit when push comes to shove to strong male leadership because they know their faith.

Hispanic men generally possess basic labor skills.  They are family oriented.  Their kids actually play outside unorganized and work at a young age rather than treating youth sports like it’s the Olympics.

They are also becoming increasingly red-pilled politically.  In 2020, legitimate President Donald J. Trump made major inroads amongst Hispanics, especially those living in border states.

Most of our ICE agents and border patrol are Hispanic American patriots.  There is a reason that our government is flooding the country with Haitians and Central Americans with nothing to offer but lower wages for our own working class and cheap labor for the elite, but not Cubans fleeing tyranny.

Cuban Americans vote MAGA because they know communism firsthand and see where things are going here.  Of course the oligarchs don’t want freedom lovers becoming American voters.

Nope!  They want resource-sucking third-worlders to further bankrupt us and contaminate our electorate.

The other thing Hispanics do-they procreate.

The Lord tells us to be fruitful and multiply.  I have sinned the Lord in this way and may not be able to atone for it at this point.

While most Americans “find themselves” by putting off children or even kill their unborn babies, Hispanics mostly have children.

Is it possible that God has allowed this country to be invaded by migrants because Latin Americans multiply at a higher rate while the USA has murdered 62,000,000+ and counting unborn citizens in the womb?

Now that we have discussed general Hispanic American culture, let’s look at average white culture.

Most importantly, let’s look at today’s average white man.  Most are ruled not just by their wives, but also their kids if they have them.

They wear masks walking the dog because the Mrs. said so.  They leave work to go to the school Halloween parade.  Their kids don’t even know how to use a shovel.

They call themselves Christians or Jews but don’t get to Church or Temple because that would interfere with stuffing themselves all weekend with beer and wings in their man cave watching superior men whether it be sportsball or pornography.

The average black male is more masculine than his white counterpart physically.  However, government-incentivized fatherlessness has resulted in matriarchy and a level of urban chaos only they can fix from within as a community.

Asian Americans are male-led and disciplined.  They tend to be very successful academically and financially.  However, the requisite numbers, faith and patriotism to make a real dent is just not there at this time from what I can see.

Islamic Americans are also male-led and family oriented.  However, Muhamad does not defeat Satan.  Jesus Christ does.

So as things stand right now, which race in this melting pot has the best chance to save the civilization?

Looks to me like it’s the hard working Hispanic Americans in the Rio Grande Valley, not the guy in a mask at Pathmark buying IPA and soy milk.  Talk soon.


PS:  These are obviously generalizations, certainly with exceptions.  However I don’t think generalizing is this terrible thing that those oh-so-virtuous liberal white broads who say the right things publicly, but get off the elevator before their floor when a black man gets on make it out to be.  How did they become generalizations?  Could it be because they are GENERALLY truthful?


2 thoughts on “Are Hispanic Americans Our Last Hope?”

  1. I think there is a lot to be said about the theory Hispanics will help to save our country.Hispanics seem to have the spirit of the hard working families of immigrants past.The Americans who have been here for generations have had it easy,the American lifestyle is so good that they have become soft ,lazy and demanding for more from our government.The Hispanics also have the advantage that they can stand up to minority race baiters like Al Sharpton in Del Rio,Texas and not cause the town to be burned down,the left has a hard time pulling the racist card on them.Let’s not forget about the convention of the states as well,maybe combined with Hispanic Americans and other still sensible Americans we can right the ship.I will state that I am strongly against illegal immigration,funny thing is I have a lot of Hispanic friends who came here illegally and are against Illegal immigration also,they love the country.

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