Fight For The Fighters

courtesy of Mediaite

If you read this blog, you know I admire fighters.  I admire fighters in the ring.

However, there are more important and in ways braver fighters in today’s HIJACKED society.  The globalist New World Order has declared war on us.

The war at this point is not kinetic, but informational.  Truth tellers are silenced, fired, maliciously prosecuted and even de-banked.

Prize fighters are paid to fight.  These fighters pay to fight.  They are now even being denied housing.

It is not just them, but their family members.  Maybe some of you liberals and normies who don’t have skin in the game think you are absolved from the treatment these people face.

Think again.  Do you have loved ones who are truth-telling conservatives?  Well, then they are coming for you too.

That’s ridiculous!  Think so?

Just this past week, conservative fighter and columnist Michelle Malkin was banned from utilizing scum corporation, Air B&B.  Some of you may remember Malkin as a regular on Fox News in the first 2 decades of this century.

She was too truthful for ConInc normies, so she is no longer seen on the network.  She is now described as a hateful white nationalist.  Take a look at her picture at the top.

Does that look like a white nationalist?  Her head is not shaved.  There are no Nazi tattoos.

She is not even white, but that doesn’t matter to the globalists.  They now lie without shame.

Malkin is used to being banned.  She can take it.

On top of being banned from Fox, she has had her column banned from numerous mainstream publications.  She has even been assaulted by communists while cops watched standing up for:  COPS!

However, Air B&B has also banned her husband from booking rooms through them.  As expected, Malkin is taking the fight to Air B&B.

We do not have a Soros or Gates or Bezos funding the right, so we have to look out for each other.  These fights cost money.

You can donate here.  Other worthy causes out there are the Coalition For Canceled Priests for the true Shepherds and Patriot Freedom Project for due process.

Fighters, whether physical or informational are so fascinating because they lay themselves on the line facing their own fears in ways most of us just don’t.

Will you fight for them?  Talk soon.



PS:  I recommend donating anonymously when possible.  It benefits you in 2 ways.  First, when we give in secret, we are rewarded by Jesus in Heaven rather than by man on Earth.  Second, it may be smart to insulate yourself.

If the NWO is going after the fighters’ family members, why would they not go after their supporters?

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