Fight or Flight?

It’s a tough time for Catholics. We have had to live through pedophilia scandals and homosexual priest scandals.

Thankfully, the young priests and seminarians coming through are far more traditional than their predecessors of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s. However, we are stuck with a Pope who continues to insult and embarrass traditional Catholics.

This week, Francis Bergoglio approved the blessing of same sex couples. Once again, the laity is put on the defensive because of Vatican hierarchy.

To be clear, they are not allowed to get married, but can receive blessings. As usual with this Pope, the situation is vague rather than transparent.

The late Fr. Gabrial Amorth who was Rome’s head exorcist reported about a decade ago that Satan had infiltrated the Cardinals. As we see the true fighters like Cardinal Burke, Bishop Strickland, Fr. James Altman, Fr. Frank Pavone and many unknowns persecuted, silenced and/or removed, sodomites may be able to demand blessings.

What happens when a brave priest says no? You can bet those little bitches will tattle to the Bishop who is likely to side against that solid shepherd.

However, we the laity unfortunately deserve this. As exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger says, we get the leaders we deserve.

Nobody is more disgusted than me about the sodomy and pedophilia that was rampant in the priesthood. However, there are far more decent priests than evil ones.

Many use the scandals as their excuse to not practice their faith by attending Mass. But when was the last time you prayed for these men?

That means the solid ones AND the enemies of the Church. Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies and the good priests are under major attack by Satan.

Will you attend Mass this Sunday and again on Christmas? Or are you one of those larpers who goes around beating his chest about saying Merry Christmas rather than Happy Holidays?

I have news for you. If your Christmas consists of sitting in your PJs for 36 hours rather than getting dressed and getting the household to Mass, I wish you a happy homosolstice.

If you do get to Mass, I congratulate you. However, if you are a Chreaster you are ineligible for Communion unless you go to Confession first.

Christ wants us to come to Him, but when we receive Him in a state of mortal sin (missing Mass without good reason is a mortal sin) it is like we are crucifying Him again.

There is a reason that satanists practice black masses rather than the inversion of a Joel Olsteen production in an arena with people drinking coffee in football jerseys.

There is a reason they attempt to steal Eucharists to desecrate them. They do not attempt to steal the bread from protestant services because they know that bread is not the actual Body of Christ.

This is yet another reason that Holy Communion should be received on the tongue and never touched by the hands of the laity. That means we should NOT become lay Eucharistic ministers and we should NOT receive from one.

Why is the FBI targeting traditional Catholics, but not the audience at a John Hagee service? Is it because the FBI works for Satan, so they target his top opposition and Hagee is on the Israeli payroll?

Don’t get me wrong, if things continue in the direction they are going, the government will come for the protestants eventually too. But first, they want to decapitate Christianity by taking out the hard-core Catholics.

I hope to be wrong, but it seems Pope Francis in on this. So, what do we do about it?

There are two choices: run away or stand firm and fight. Running SEEMS easier.

If that is your choice, so be it but be honest with yourself. Are you running on principle or to justify laziness? Alright, the scandals are more than you can bare.

Well then, I hope you are not sending your children to school because child molestation is far higher amongst teachers than priests. What about youth sports?

Sugar Ray Leanard reported being molested by a trainer when he was a teenager. Gymnastics has had similar scandals. If this happened to world champions, it doesn’t happen on pee-wee travel teams?

Me? Nah! I will stand and fight for my faith. No sodomites or communists are running me out of the one true Church.

If I receive a blessing from a bad priest, I still get the blessing from God. I know regardless of the messenger; the Doctrine of the Faith is good and just. Jesus sometimes allows evil for a greater good.

He chose Judas Iscariot as one of his apostles (the first priests). He knew the entire time that Judas would betray Him to the high priests, who would then have Him nailed to the Cross.

Does the existence of Judas make the Gospels illegitimate? If not, how can evil men that for reasons beyond us Jesus allowed in His Church make it illegitimate?

We must pray for our priests, both good and bad. If we see something heretical like a homosexual blessing, we must stand up and point it out without fear.

Jesus told our first Pope that he was the rock on which He builds His Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against Her. He never promised us an easy road.

Quite the opposite. He promised us a hard road.

To follow Him, we must pick up our cross and carry it. As with anything worth having or fighting for, it cannot be easy.

There is no way out. There is no way around.

The only way is through. Talk soon.


PS: Merry Christamas to all.