Can We Trust Cops?

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Can we trust the police anymore?  I have always been basically a back-the-blue guy.

Yes, there have always been dirty cops.  But I never felt it to be anywhere close to the norm.

I always felt that the dirty cop was the exception to the rule; a rogue who infiltrated his way into the imperfect but fairest justice system in the world.

The dirty cop in my mind was mainly fodder for gangster movies and false rhetoric of race-baiting charlatans like Al Sharpton.

It has recently been shown that General Michael Flynn was railroaded into a bogus plea agreement by the FBI (Forever Bother Italians in the movies).  The FBI came to him as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

They just wanted to ask a few questions.  He wasn’t a suspect; no need for a lawyer.

This is what the FBI does.  If they want you they will use any means necessary (legal or illegal to get you).

A classic trick is getting you to speak to them without counsel present.  They will ask you the same question over and over, often in different ways.

They get you to make a mistake or misremember something.  Once the mistake is made, you have now lied/perjured yourself.

Lying to the FBI is a federal crime.  In Flynn’s case, they set out to get him to lie; they even altered 302s (FBI police reports).

This lead to fraudulently obtained wiretaps to spy on now President Donald J. Trump leading to the Mueller Russia Hoax.

If you follow Mike Cernovich rather than MSM, you have known all this since 2017.

Well, well I would never plead guilty to something I didn’t do.  Yes you would Nancy.

If you go broke on lawyer fees and dishonest cops are threatening to go after your family, and a dishonest piece of shit Judge presiding over your destiny is just dying to send you to prison for your affiliation with his political enemy (which judges are forbidden from having), and your own lawyers (Flynn’s former firm, Covington where Eric Holder is a partner) advise you to take a plea what would you do?  You would fold like a lawn chair from Woolworths.

And it doesn’t seem to stop at the FBI.  Have you seen how local cops have represented themselves recently?

They have stood down during ANTIFA riotsThey have let gangsters poor bottles of water over their heads.  

But they are harassing/summonsing/arresting salon owners and mothers at playgrounds to enforce unconstitutional quarantine orders on healthy Americans.

In my own town, I couldn’t get a patrol car to come by and stop local retail employees from openly smoking marijuana on the same street children ride their big wheels.  However, they took the time to remove rims from backboards after people were crossing their caution tape and getting exercise (good for the immune system).

Look, I know numerous cops.  MOST are good men with their hearts in the right place.  My friend’s brother literally puts his life on the line to protect people, even those who hate him.

They do a thankless job and are getting their nuts clipped by chiefs and politicians.

I also believe the extreme majority of people locked up are guilty.  Most of them are actually not locked up long enough.

But if the top law enforcement agency in the world can dishonestly take down a true patriot in every sense of the word in an attempt to fraudulently take down a President, are all those dirty cop stories in gangster films that farfetched?

This is going to piss off some of my readers, but it’s how I feel.  If they can do such things to a decorated General and the incoming leader of the free world is it that farfetched to think they have railroaded some minorities with shit lawyers into some dubious plea agreements, or at the very least obtained surveillance illegally?

I am not a lawyer but just from my point-of-view, my personal policy now is never speak to the police (unless I know the Officer on a real personal basis) at any level if questioned, even if completely innocent.

It’s in our nature to want to confess.  There is a feeling of freedom in getting something off your chest.

I will save that for the priest (if the churches ever stand up and re-open).  There is a natural enthusiasm in our hearts to want to explain and justify ourselves when innocent.

However, when you attempt either of the above with dishonest people of any kind (and it’s often hard in that situation to decipher the honorable from the dishonorable), they will use your good intensions against you.

So, from what I have seen lately, while my heart is still fairly friendly to the blue, my instinct is to always remain silent.  Talk soon.


PS:  In no way is this article an attempt to attack the honest, hardworking, brave police whom we need.  It’s the dirty ones I’m after.

I know many of you are attacked from every angle.  You are getting orders from corrupt/tyrannical superiors.

Unlike most, your unions still have some balls left.  As Cernovich has been suggesting on Twitter, when you are being ordered to violate the constitution you swore to uphold and enforce, call your rep.

God Bless honest law enforcement!

3 thoughts on “Can We Trust Cops?”

  1. Great story!!! never knew Flynn’s law firm had Eric holder as a partner!!! #trump2020

    1. Great point Tom. They are all in on it. Defense, prosecutors, Judges, Chiefs, politicians, cops, all of them. And David-neither did I until very recently! Holder is human scum!

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