Troops, Not Money

The illegitimate punch line occupying the White House has threatened to send U.S. troops into direct combat with Russia if Congress does not approve more taxpayer funds to be sent to Ukraine. First off: my hope is for peace worldwide and the avoidance of WWIII.

However, if given a choice between American troops who have signed up to be soldiers for a regime that has purged Trump supporters and the warrior class turning them from a killing machine into quadruple-boosted, godless, sodomitetranny defenders unfortunately being taken to the woodshed by a serious, masculine nation where Christianity is on the rise and more of our money being laundered through a nation led by a drugged out pervert who has insulted Catholics and outlawed the Orthodox Church, please send the troops.

I know that sounds harsh, but so is the way our government now treats us with their tyranny and allowing that homosexual midget in a sweatshirt to waive his finger in our faces while telling us he is entitled to our money.

Are there still patriots in our military? I am sure there are, and I hate not supporting them. However, there have been reports of National Guard helping illegal aliens across the Southern border.

I watched some of them take a knee to communist terrorists during the 2020 riots. They are no longer recruiting G.I. Joe. They are recruiting Emma with her 2 moms.

If that is strength, let them go out and show their stuff but hands-off our money. Do you agree? If so, call Congress and let them know how you feel.

Tell them to call the regime’s bluff and withhold the money. Make the hair sniffer own the carnage that would be sure to come.

If you are still waiving a Ukraine flag, please get over there and take on those Russians instead of inhaling beer and wings every Sunday.

Most importantly, pray for peace and the conversion of all to traditional Catholicism. Talk soon.
