Marksman Answers

Thank you to those who took the time to comment on my last article.  As promised, here are my answers.  I will only answer the questions which apply to me.

1-Did you get the COVID-19 (now FDA approved) gene therapy shot?


4-If you did not get the shot, what made you decide not to?

For starters, the shot has aborted fetal cell lines.  As a Christian, I will not be a part of that.  Furthermore, the passports and requirement of proof to participate in basic commerce sound terribly similar to the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation.

The fact that the oligarchs, communist politicians and Francis the faker are pushing this so hard tells me it is harmful.  The powerful are not looking to keep us healthy and strong.  Rather, they want us sick, weak, controllable and/or dead.

I have done my research and have taken advice from medical professionals and knowledgeable guys I trust like Jay Campbell.  By their advice and more so the Grace of God, I have been able to avoid illness since March of 2020.

5-If you did not get the shot, do you plan to?

No.  See above.

6-How far are you willing to go to avoid getting the shot?

I believe this to be a hill to die on, though I pray for Jesus to save me from it.

By no means am I being a tough guy.  I am stressed over what I believe is coming.  I cannot survive without Jesus.

We never know what we are made of until we are truly tested and face what we have to face, but my position at this point is that the only way that shot goes in me is by physical force after I am overpowered or incapacitated.

8-If you have not received the shot, have you contracted COVID-19 or something similar since it has been available?


9-Will you or have you allowed your children to receive the shot and why?

I don’t currently have children, but if I ever do they will receive the shot only over my dead body.

Talk soon.


PS:  If you are up against the wall with shot, test and/or mask mandates at your job or children’s school that have crossed whatever your individual boundary is, check out

Take the time to read the site in detail.  They can help you.  Thank you to inHisgrip for informing us about this site.

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