A Right Wing Awakening?

courtesy of freep.com

We may be seeing the right wing waking up in the United States.  For decades the right has lazily sat back and watched the left be heard…and heard…and heard.

They would scoff at the idea of protesting.  Huh…that’s for freaks, criminals and deadbeats with nothing better to do.  I don’t have time to protests.  I have a job has been the motto of the right for 65 years.

Yes, we have the March For Life which draws huge numbers, especially in comparison to the lack of coverage it receives.  The right actually had a powerful movement brewing in 2010 with the formation of the Tea Party.

But the limpdick GOP sat quietly as the Obama IRS illegally targeted them.  They began losing steam when traitor Mitt Romney was given the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

The check-pants establishment and Barry from Honolulu saw to it that Tea Party favorite Herman Cain got the Joe Frazier Treatment.

Bottom line:  conservatives have found excuses not to hit the ground and get their voices heard.  They have chased money and 270 electoral votes rather than capturing the narrative.

The result has been a drubbing from the left in the culture war.  Like the Book of Revelations predicted, right has become wrong and wrong has become right in this inverted world of debauchery.

However, this virus has brought some desperation to right-leaning America.  Small businesses are being bankrupted.

People who didn’t protest because they had to go to work no longer have jobs.  State and local mostly lefty politicians are spitting on the Constitution and backing their hated middle class into a corner.

After they told us to go to bars on St. Patrick’s Day and have lunch in Chinatown and go on cruises in March, it is suddenly unsafe to make a living.

The result?  Those who had no interest in speaking out are chirping.

Gyms are opening in defiance.  Salon owners are taking a night in jail over the prison of compliance.

Rather than Republicans having to deal with annoying blue haired obese feminists, DemonRats are having to deal with working-class America starting to find their balls.

Is this just a passing blip on the radar or a movement in it’s infancy?  Too early to say.

To gain any real ground in the culture war our side would have to start practicing our faith.  This would involve having to exponentially increase the American birth rate, an area I have been sinfully delinquent.

But if this segment of the population ever really wakes up in large numbers, what a force!  A well-armed population with a working mentality is far more formidable than soyboys and freaks in masks or people paid to light a city block on fire.

A friend of mine went to a protest yesterday to stand up for his right to re-open for business and feed his family.

He didn’t think of it as a big deal but it is.  It’s action.  It’s energy.

It takes time.  It takes effort.  More importantly it takes balls to put yourself out there and be heard.

It’s also how revolutions start.  Is this just a passing breeze soon to be burned out by the arrival of Summer?

Or is a sleeping giant being awoken?  Time will tell.  And the time sure is interesting.  Talk soon.


2 thoughts on “A Right Wing Awakening?”

  1. The problem is the do nothing,lifetime ,Republican politicians who are all talk and no action.They allow the democrats to crap all over the constitution and our rights,we need to vote in some new,aggressive representatives who will stick together and clobber the opposition.

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