They Want Your Children

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They want your children and Alex Jones warned you.  Alex Jones has been right about many things.

That is why the liars call him fake news or a conspiracy theorist.  These are code words for truth tellers by the truly fake news.

Alex Jones predicted a globally orchestrated pandemic for lockdowns shutting down world economies.

He reported the quarantine camps you are now seeing in Australia were on the way.  He predicted the Dems would use COVID to try to steal the 2020 election.

He told the public decades ago that UFOs existed.  The government has all but admitted to such.  BTW-it is my belief that UFOs and aliens are not life forms from another planet, but demonic entities manifesting as extra terrestrials to draw us in through our curiosity.

So if you ever encounter this, pray and avoid.  Don’t follow through intrigue.

Back to Alex Jones and your children.  It has been long known that pedophilia has been rampant among the Hollywood elite.  However, people like Jones and Mike Cernovich have long reported that the same is true amongst the political elite.

This is why the Jeffrey Epsteins of the world exist.  Their supply of child sex would be useless without the demand of the elite who have been sexualizing your children at younger and younger ages seemingly by the year.

If you listen to or watch Infowars in any capacity, you know that he has reported that the US intelligence agencies are ripe with pedos.  This was called a crazy conspiracy theory.

If true, that would explain why my sources in the criminal justice system tell me that plea agreements on child sex crimes have become excessively lenient.

Okay, so Alex Jones is a crazy right wing conspiracy theorist who uses WWE theatrics right?  Well what about BuzzFeed?

Pretty left wing entity, no?  Read this article about the CIA and pedophilia.

Makes you think Alex Jones has been right about pedophilia in the intelligence community too.  I now have no choice but to give very real consideration to his theory that 9/11 was orchestrated by our own government.

He sure seems to be right about a lot of things that conventional thought paints as outrageous.  One thing I am certain of is the elite want your children.

This is why sex education went from being taught at home, to high school, to middle school, to the lower grades.  This is why they are pushing your little ones, especially the most meek to choose a gender.

They want to sexualize them to construct more human toys for sodomites and demonic pedo freaks.

It doesn’t stop there.  They have kids walking around in masks believing they may die without it even though it is common knowledge that COVID barely effects kids.

They are doing the same thing with the gene therapy shot that they did with sexuality.  First it was for adults.

Then it was for adolescents.  Soon 5 year-olds.  They are even talking about giving it to newborns.

Have you ever wondered why basic cable costs money but pornography is free and accessible on any basic internet search?

It’s to produce a society of degenerates.  But the ultimate prize to these sick globalists is to get your children.

Don’t let them.  Talk soon.


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