Ready For Another Lockdown?

I believe lockdowns are possibly coming back, especially in blue (legitimate or stolen) commie states.

There is apparently a new variant of the COVID-19 virus spreading in Africa.  Who knows if this is legitimate or manufactured?  I am 50/50 on that.

The elite will not let go of the power we gave them through compliance with the first lockdown, so why would they not manufacture new variants?  At the same time, Dr. Robert Malone who invented mRNA technology (the gene therapy technology of the COVID shot) claims that over vaccinating the public rather than targeting the most vulnerable will cause new more deadly mutations.

The illegitimate  hair sniffer administration has placed a travel ban on some African countries.  It is likely too late for that just like Trump’s China travel ban in the later part of January, 2020.

I hate whataboutism but I find it hilarious that the media will paint this ban as necessary while they called Trump’s ban racist.

Trump was racist for banning travel from an Asian country where the virus originated even though our universities openly discriminate against Asians with admission.

I can only imagine the outrage if Trump banned travel from a continent populated mostly by black people.

But I am not going to waste much time defending a man who has no interest in having the backs of people rotting in jail (many with misdemeanors) for answering his call to protest voter fraud that he let happen.

I am really not too worried about another lockdown.  I did just fine last time.

Sure it’s nice to get out to dinner or meet the boys for a cocktail in a bar.  But I cook the majority of my meals which is far healthier.

Sure it’s more spacious to train in a gym.  However, I was likely in better shape getting creative with my own jailhouse home workouts.

I hate shopping and unnecessary consumerism so I am fine there.

I get more entertainment from a book, podcast or hearing myself talk writing these articles than I do seeing a movie with a globo-homo message produced by pedos and sodomites.

So I don’t think my life will change drastically from another lockdown unless they try to confine us to our homes or property ala Australia.

With that I will not comply.  There are certain hills to die on and there are useless battles that accomplish little more than satisfying our pride.

The ability to move about freely is a hill to die on just like bodily autonomy or right to worship.

I am more curious than anything.  Did people learn anything when they surrendered so easily last time?

Will those of you who have been shopping maskless put the device back on?  Will small businesses refuse to close while Home Depot stays open?

Have people learned the difference between statutory law and mandates or orders?  Will bishops, priests and other Christian leaders stand as defiant soldiers for Christ or once again pander to abortionists?

One thing I do implore this audience to do is support businesses who stand up for their own freedom.  Courage is contagious.  Talk soon.


2 thoughts on “Ready For Another Lockdown?”

  1. It’s a distraction,the Democrats will never let this thing die,abosolute power corrupts and power corrupts absolutely.How can Fauci still have a voice?New York got rid of Cuomo and they got Carilla DeVille,state of emergency,but next week?Murphy won’t be far behind,he loves the attention.So sick of all this bullshit.

    1. Whenever the Dems allow one of their own like Cuomo to be sacrificed, that means they have someone far more evil waiting in the wings. Hence: DeVille.

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