We Have a Problem

We have a problem on the Supreme Court. In a 5-4 ruling, they allowed the illegitimate regime to continue to cut down razor wire at the Texas southern border. Of course, the 3 Marxist broads ruled for the left as they exclusively have.

You gotta hand it to them. The left carries out their cause regardless of what they swore to do while the right is either compromised or too busy clutching their pearls behind some false high road.

Since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, right wing judges have been under direct threat from communist thugs. Actually, it goes further back than that. I personally (I have no proof whatsoever) suspect that Justice Scalia was murdered. Who dies suddenly and no autopsy?

But suspicion aside, the DOJ has allowed these justices to be threatened outside their homes for quite some time. Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch have been rock-solid.

I have my doubts about Kavanaugh. I think they may broken him with the fake frat scandal. But let’s wait and see.

We all know Roberts is a Bush-appointed traitor. I would not be shocked if they have blackmail material on him. So, there was no surprise in his ruling for the Federal establishment.

The kick in the testicles came from Trump-appointee, Amy Barrett. No, I’m not doing that hyphenated name business.

This is why it drives me nuts that there are so few true male fighters on the right. We end up with females in leadership positions.

Yes, I like legitimate Arizona Governor Kari Lake, but I don’t want her as VP. Women were not put here by God to lead.

Barrett is a mother. Were her children threatened by communists?

This is why demons often target women and children in a household rather than the male figure. Satan uses their nurturing instinct (which is virtue) to draw them in. It is why he targeted Eve rather than Adam and used her to get to him.

I had high hopes for Barrett when she was appointed. The left seemed extremely triggered by her Catholicism during her earlier Federal appointment.

But her Catholicism COULD be part of the issue. Wait a minute, I thought this was a pro-Catholic blog…

It is. And that means we tell the truth.

The truth is that the Catholic Church is the one true Chruch. That is why it is attacked the hardest of any Christian Church by the devil.

However, those attacks have resulted in mass corruption. Catholic charities have been a major contributor to Open Borders Inc.

This is likely one of the reasons you rarely if ever hear a sermon about how God tells us to obey the laws of the land. Or how Jesus tells us it is not right for the dogs to eat the children’s food.

Yes, the dogs get the scraps, but our nation is being ripped from the children and the Catholic Church has been complicit in it.

That is why I encourage you to be judicious in your giving on Sunday. Note, I said judicious not stingy!

“Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.” –Deuteronomy 14:22 (NIV)

I don’t know my audience’s bills. It is not a commandment to tithe, so I can’t say it is a sin not to. I didn’t always tithe. I consider myself fortunate to be able to.

However, if you are living comfortably and put $5 in the basket, you are being stingy with God. But we MUST be judicious.

How many times have you heard about some globalist cause by some stranger instead of getting a homily? Or maybe your Bishop makes an annual appeal, then turns around and lobbies for illegal aliens to receive driver’s licenses and cancels priests who shepherd with too much hard truth.

You don’t get this kind of stuff at the Latin Mass. I avoid giving to these causes. I recommend giving to just causes. The Coalition for Canceled Priests is excellent.

Or maybe your go directly to your parish priest and give with a specific intention. Father, this is for the new roof we need. Or Father, this is for some gas and groceries. Or Father, go out and have a nice meal on me.

Back to Barrett. She is a Notre Dame alum. Notre Dame was compromised and liberalized in the early 1960s. That’s why Obama and Biden both were given honorary Doctorates despite being baby butchers.

Was Barrett indoctrinated to open borders in college? Time will tell.

Bottom line: the next Presidential election could be decided directly or indirectly by the Supreme Court. If the recent border ruling is any indication, we have a problem. Talk soon.
