More Workplace Suggestions

Once you have committed to stop muling in the office, there are further steps you can take to avoid capitulation with feminized culture.

Any occupation in which there is a human resource department will be a feminized culture.  The sodomites and twisted sisters are placed there by those at the top to keep the culture feminized because a feminized mindset is easily controlled and manipulated.

Independent thought is mostly a masculine trait.  This is one of the reasons we need to Become a Male Led Society.

However, maybe you have worked in an organization so long that making a sudden career move would cause you more financial harm than good.

Some blogs in the “manosphere” (written mostly by people with fuck you money) have encouraged you to throw caution to the wind, tell your boss to fuck off and chase your passions.

One of my suggestions for dealing with tyranny is to Be Brave, But Smart.  In the workplace this means we follow Mike Cernovich’s advice to do our jobs efficiently, spend as little time as possible, collect our pay and use our downtime to chase what we want to become rather than watching sportsball in a man cave.

There are subtle things we can do in the workplace to take a stand against this poisoned office culture while keeping our jobs till we no longer need them.


We keep a stoic presence about us in the office.  We are even-keeled and emotionless in our facial expression combined with a masculine abundance posture.

Our smiles are saved for loved ones.  We do not give into our natural tendency to soften our tone of voice when speaking to women.

We don’t shake our heads yes when receiving orders (this is a sign of weakness when dealing with dishonest people).  We just do the job given to us.

We also don’t lose our tempter.  Stoicism alone will intimidate most women and soy-eating men who are used to everyone speaking like a kindergarten teacher for the last quarter century.

They may even accuse us of being aggressive when we adapt this stoic demeanor.  When that happens, we play dumb.

Good day or bad day, you are Mariano Rivera on the mound in the 9th.  Your expression and mood is the same in October as it is in June.

Assess Ability to Grow

If you can move up in your organization through merit, kick ass and outwork everyone.  If you are likely boxed into your present position because you are not a black transsexual, save your ass-kicking energy for your personal time.

They will never love us.  They will just continue to exploit our competence with no reward.

Don’t Socialize

This goes for in and out of the office when it comes to coworkers.  At the office, realize that constant birthday and bullshit celebrations which provide 3 days worth of sugar and soy for a 15 minute gathering are all part of the feminization culture.

It’s also an attempt to keep everyone unhealthy and compliant.  You are easier to control if you are obese (realize also that anything designed to keep you from getting up from your desk implemented as convenience is actually to weaken and control you).

Participating in these stupid “parties” is like accepting dog biscuits.  Oh thank you Master Oligarch for the chocolate cake!  What are your 7?  You have a job.  If you want a pastry go buy one instead of letting them further own you.

When it comes to out of the office, if you are going to socialize with coworkers be 100% sure they think like you.  Build your tribe primarily outside the office.

Be a Closed Book

This one is tough for me.  I am a pretty open book by nature.  Give them NOTHING about your personal life.

Never discuss the vaccine.

How was your weekend Sean?  Good.

What did you do?  Nothing exciting.

Never tell anyone where you went on vacation unless it benefits you in some way.  They will use virus restrictions against you.

Be Litigious

If you are asked/forced to do things that violate your faith or conscience, look into filing complaints and lawsuits.

Maybe they suddenly require you to attend critical race theory.  Maybe you walk out offended.  File a complaint with HR.  If that goes no place, consult a lawyer.

We on the right are now the oppressed class.  We must adapt the techniques of those who were oppressed in the past.

These techniques take a degree of discipline.  But if practiced, people will be more hesitant to fuck with you as there will surely be far easier targets.

Many of us work for organizations that shoved the words new normal down our throats for 15 months as we turned our lives upside down making the company function.

Time to show the feminized control-based system our new normal.  Talk soon.
