4 Lies The Boomer Elite Told Us

The Baby Boomer generation did not just rebel against the prosperity created by the Greatest generation.  Their elite corrupted our minds with lies.

These lies were spewed by the education system, the media and woven into the entertainment industry.  Let’s get right to the biggest lies off the top of my head:

1-We Don’t Need Church.  God Is Everywhere.

Yes, God is everywhere.  He also commanded us to keep Holy the Sabbath.  That meant for the Jews to get to Temple on the Sabbath.

For us Christians, Jesus gave us a new Sabbath on the day of the Resurrection.  Bottom line:  we are supposed to be in Church on the Sabbath.  It’s a commandment, not a suggestion.

In a society that lives for the weekend, this means Church comes before the mall, parties, youth sports and anything else you can think of.

A lack of spiritual structure creates the fallacy  that simply saying you believe in God and being basically a decent person will get you into Heaven.  Even Satan believes, actually KNOWS God exists.  There is a reason Jesus tells us to enter through the narrow gate.

He is telling us that not everyone will enter into Eternal Life.

2-Don’t Rush Into Marriage and Children.

Terms like find yourself and play the field a little and see what’s out there are code for go out and collect a few notches before you get married.

Now granted, marriage for men is not what it used to be.  The system is rigged to financially and emotionally break men in family court with unfair divorce settlements.

So on a logical level it is important to find a woman of faith.  But you know what happens when you follow the lie from the boomers?  You live a continually sinful existence.

You always want to taste the next flavor.  You fornicate with people you have nothing in common with.  You use contraception because you know this.

You become desensitized.  You don’t just play the field.  You prolong the game.  This results in prolonged adolescents.  This leads to a far lower birthrate.

This is why I am in my mid-40s and childless.  There was a time when people married young in this country.

Many married as virgins or their first sexual partner.  Having numerous notches was not the norm for family people.

Is the divorce rate higher now or then?  What about the birthrate?  Are we having more American babies or less?

The people migrating to this country:  say what you will about whether they belong here or not but they sure do have more children than the average American.  Is God Blessing them for multiplying?

3-Patriotism Is Goofy.

I would never advise patriots to join today’s HIJACKED! military.  However, it was not always this way.

Self structure and discipline have been my strong suits after being engrained in me from high school wrestling.

If anyone was made for doing at least some time in the military it was me.  However, my generation was dissuaded from such.  It was presented as being for the bottom-of-the-barrel young men who had no “better options.”

I can recall M*A*S*H reruns playing in the background nightly.  While the show was funny with the original cast, it mocked any character who was patriotic or gung-ho about the service.

Patriotism doesn’t begin and end with the military.  As boomers made it into power positions of media and messaging things like boy scouts went from honorable to dorky.  The result?  Most of us cannot set up a camp site or pitch a tent.

People who participated in lodges, church events and volunteer civics like the fire department or EMT services were looked at as rubes who had no interesting social life.  This resulted in a lack of community.

4-You Have To Go To College To Succeed.

As the boomers took over the education system, shop classes slowly went by the wayside to the point where they are now almost extinct.  Kids who can barely count are told to go to college.

They then go and take student loans with no intention of paying it back, take up space and cause havoc on campuses.

Middle-of-the road type students are pushed to get a useless degree which they have to get into debt to obtain and it may or may not lead to a job in their area of study.

Trade schools are not pushed.  This leads to a less masculine society and no American labor force outside the higher skilled trades like electrical, plumbing, welding, etc.

Meanwhile the colleges and universities are now full blown communist camps where any combination of straight white Christian males are vilified.  If I had a son who was not a true academic I would not encourage him to attend college and I wouldn’t pay for it if he insisted.

I was one of those middle-of-the-road kids who bought into the idea of college.  My area of study was basically like taking AP high school classes.

I learned next to nothing I use today.  My family and I basically paid tens of thousands of dollars and the best thing I learned was how to throw a ping pong ball into a solo cup.

I would have matured far sooner going from the unwoke military into a trade school.  I would not be answering to anti-freedom-of-speech bosses today and this blog would not be anonymous.

Additionally, I have numerous friends who never went to college or didn’t graduate but make significantly more money than I do.

The boomer elite knew damn well they were lying to us.  They had their plans of Godlessness, population control and feminization of society.

The elite manipulated many of our parents’ thinking and outlook.  Most parents thought they were pointing us in the right direction; they had their hearts in the right place.

They were lied to by their own generation.  Talk soon.


4 thoughts on “4 Lies The Boomer Elite Told Us”

  1. I would call the elites,Marxists or communists.Their plan is the lies a slow,deliberate process,time is on their side.All the family structures and institutions as you mentioned are being destroyed generationally to weaken us.Who would have ever thought that a majority of college age adults,in the USA ,would think communism was a good idea.Their plan is working.

  2. So it’s the ‘boomers’ fault? I have noticed a trend of late where we blame the boomers for all the ills of the world. Instead, I would suggest that it is not a particular generation that has negatively influenced American society but Satan himself. If we are to believe God’s Word, there is a plan in motion, and the father of all lies is a cunning mf. Why some men and women fall for his lures more than others is debatable, but I do take offense to blaming it on ‘the boomers’.
    My parents immigrated to America. They were just as strict, guarded and cautious with my brother’s upbringing as they were with the girls in the family. Looking back, I recall they were skeptical of most people because they were keenly aware that wolves dress in sheep’s clothing. Indeed, I remember my father warning me many times of certain people/circumstances. Well, as a boomer, I would say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
    IMHO, Americans have far more of everything except role models with keen discernment. Their history is so far behind them that the memory never makes it to the conscious mind.
    They believe everything they’re told. They question nothing. They have no reason to doubt anything – after all, they’re Americans. As such, they fall for all of the enemy’s spells.
    However, I would agree that the elite, a financial class of people, operating as Satan’s minions, have manipulated society and done the greatest damage with the most ease.
    Much love and respect to you, Marksmen.

    1. Good to hear from you again Grace. Respectful disagreement is always welcome here. Yes, Satan is our main enemy. And yes, God’s plan is always in motion. However, he also gives us free will. The boomers were the first generation to openly and in large numbers say no to patriotism, tradition and most of all holiness. They said yes to paganism, promiscuity and widespread drug abuse. Does this make every boomer bad? Of course not. However, there is no getting around the fact that it was this generation who took the culture radically left. Thanks as always for taking the time to read and comment. Much love and respect to you also. God Bless.

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