This is It!

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This is it!  Here we are after 2 years of tyranny.

We have our first real chance to throw a punch (figuratively) at this illegitimate regime.  Now we can say no more.

No more fraud.  No more celebrating sodomy.  No more psyops.  No more unconstitutional mandates.  No more government induced suicides.  No more butchering of innocent babies.  No more bigotry against whites and Christians.  No more pedophilia.  No more selective prosecutions.  No more torture of political prisoners.

Yes, the theft of 2020 has left scars on many of us.  I have no reason to believe the uniparty will not attempt the same again.

This is why we must overwhelm the ballot box on Election Day.  Voting early gives the Dems a better idea of how many illegal votes they need, so I recommend in-person Election Day voting.

If you have voted Democrat in recent elections and are disgusted with your gas bill, your food bill and the education system, this is your chance to make a change.

There are Democrats who read this site.  There are Democrats I truly love.

However, if you continue to vote us down the Road to Perdition I will pray for your conversion but I do not want you here.

Don’t read me anymore.  In fact, I do not want to spend my time around you.

If you do not vote at all, even if your values align with mine, you are lukewarm and tasteless to me.  Jesus says if we are lukewarm, He will spit us out of His mouth.

Same here.  If you do not vote, leave.  As a matter of fact, you have no right to call yourself and American.

Yes, I know you may live in a blue scumhole where your vote does not penetrate.  However, people bled and died for you to have that voice.

No, it may not count the way you would like.  Yes, it may be stolen.  But at least honor those who sacrificed so you could have it.

If you’re too lazy and selfish for that?  You should be deported before every illegal alien.

So, what will happen after Tuesday?  Whatever God wills.

I believe this country is facing one of two things:

1-A fourth turning as Steve Bannon often talks about or,

2-the slow end of America.

If it is the latter, we are truly heading rapidly toward the end times because despite all the corruption, America is the only nation left on Earth with the strong enough Constitution consisting of the First and Second Amendments to stand against the globalists.

If the United States is destroyed, the whole world collapses to global tyranny like we saw last year in Australia.  I don’t think we are quite there yet.

Yes, we may be in the birth pains of the end.  Vaccine mandates, transhumanism, chips under the skin and the talk of global digital currency are at the very least a warm-up or test case for the mark of the beast.

However, there is not a world leader or religious leader on the scene yet who is beloved by nearly everyone.  Therefore, there is no sign that the false prophet (though there will be many) and/or antichrist are emerging to deceive just yet.

Additionally, Jesus talks about the abomination (antichrist) standing in the Temple in the New Testament.  The new Holy Temple in Israel will likely have to be built before we get there.

The birth pains in God’s timeline could be decades, could be a century.  That gives me hope that maybe this country has one more good run left in it, a fourth turning if you will.

Every vote is important and every election is important at every level.  A school board member effects your daily life more than a congressman.

Yes, we want the House and Senate.  But I am keeping a sharp eye on the gubernatorial and Secretaries of State races in AZ, PA and MI.

Those elections effect future elections like 2024.  They also may be the key to exposing the truth about and possibly decertifying 2020.

That is why the media is so wound up about Arizona especially.  They know there was already a forensic hand audit done there.

They do not want the receipts shown to the public and possibly the courts.  If Kari Lake and Mark Finchem are elected governor and Secretary of State respectively, that is likely to happen.  But first thing is first.

Get to the polls.  Get on your knees and pray.

Live in a state of God’s Grace, not sin and vice.

This is it!  Talk soon.
