Stop Saying These Words

As patriots, we need to stop saying certain things.  In George Orwell’s 1984, a big topic is newspeak.

In 1984, The Patry tells the people how to think and speak.  Failing to do so is a crime which will likely result in your disappearance.

We as patriots must stop adhering to this.  These are our now forbidden words I am still sometimes guilty of using:


Gay is a word HIJACKED! by the homosexual community to justify their sodomy.  It used to mean happy.  A man could openly say he was feeling quite gay on a given day.

It would not turn a head.  It had nothing to do with homosexuality.  We know all the slang terms for these people.

Say what you want in your own circle.  When dealing with formal or professional situations, use homosexual.  This is a scientific term.

If the American version of The Party tries to take it, don’t give it up.  Another harsher term, but still at least semi-scientific is sodomite.  That is a favorite here.


The United States of America is NOT a democracy.  It is a representative republic.  The donkeys have done a terrific job of normalizing this word and getting Republicans to use it.

Knock it off!  The true goal is to get everyone convinced we are a democracy.  That goal is almost completely fulfilled.

The objective is not just nomenclature.  It’s to eliminate the electoral college so they can further corrupt and steal more elections.


Partners are business associates, not lovers.  We have boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives.  If a homosexual man is in a relationship with another man, it is his boyfriend.

The sodomite community rightfully feels it embarrassing to call another man boyfriend; they should.  Let them.


This is simply a benign term for the butchering of the unborn.  Don’t say she had an abortion.  Say she killed or butchered or slaughtered her unborn baby.

These words vividly show the depravity and violence of the act.  Don’t say murder.

Murder is a legal term with certain legal standards.  The fact is the killing of the unborn is currently legal so it cannot be correctly called murder until it is outlawed.

Don’t let the satanic left have that technicality on you.

Undocumented Migrant

They are illegal aliens.  Period.  If someone finds your door unlocked, walks in, makes a sandwich and flips the TV on, is he an undocumented visitor or a burglar?

Call these people what they are:  illegal aliens or invaders.


THE WORD IS NUCLEAR DUMMY!!!  I can’t take it.  Establishment Bohemian Grove fool George W. Bush said Nucular for 8 years.

Even Steve Bannon, whom I admire says it.  It’s wrong!

The Lord’s Name

Last, but most important, stop taking the name of God or Jesus in vain.  It is a mortal sin.

I am a terrible sinner with a gutter mouth.  I rarely curse with the Lord’s name.  When I do, I get to Confession fast.

When people take the Lord’s Name, our response is Blessed be God’s Name or Blessed is the Name of Jesus.

There are probably more terms that need to go, but these jumped out at me.

Shake off the newspeak and start talking like free men.  Talk soon.
