Let The Dead Bury Their Own

courtesy of keystonenewsroom.com

Well, I had an article prepared last week about the possibility that God allowed sub-50 degree temperatures on Memorial Day weekend because we in the northeast did not deserve a nice patriotic weekend based on how we have taken our freedom and faith for granted in the last quarter century.

It was such a busy week that I had no time to publish the article until Memorial Day was old news.  Since that time, even commie-run states have eased COVID restrictions.

Presently, you basically have a choice whether or not to wear a mask unless your employer is violating your basic human right to oxygen in the workplace.  Yet, I would say that in my blue shithole area approximately 80% of the customers are still wearing their secular burkas.

Many still cling to their cloth in vehicles and outdoors.  I have said for quite sometime that if you wear a mask where it is not required, you are a loser, a pussy, etc.

This is because I have been informed by reading and listening to scientists and frontline doctors like Judy Mikovits, PHD and Dr. Simone Gold just to name a couple.  People like them who told too much truth about the ineffectiveness and potential harm of masks have largely been deplatformed by big tech oligarchs and their Chinese masters.

I have done my best to spread truth to my audience.  So when we see our fellow man (?) acting like such a pathetic coward it is disheartening.

I have been told that the sight of masks take a negative psychological toll on us.

Maybe this is why suicides are up.  Maybe this is why Muslim women are forced to wear burkas.  Maybe this is why satanists sometimes wear masks during their dark rituals.

The initial reaction is disgust seeing our fellow Americans, especially men thinking so weak.  Then I came to a realization.

The Lord said to a disciple who told Christ he would follow Him after the disciple buried his father, “Follow me and let the dead bury their own dead.”  (Matthew 8:22)

Jesus was telling this disciple to put darkness of the world behind him and follow the light of Christ.  Same thing applies here; these people married to their masks are dead inside.

They believe in nothing, so they make feeble attempts to live forever at their own spiritual AND physical detriment.  Even if you did not dig a little deeper than cable news to get the truths about the virus, masks, vaccines, etc.-Fruadchi’s own emails exposed his agreement with Mikovits that masks don’t work.

Still, the useful idiots keep clinging to false security.  I even see it in the Church.

Most of the congregation puts more faith into a useless piece of cloth than the Lord.  This includes the Bishops who deny us the option to receive Christ’s Precious Blood.

But one of the good things that has come from all of this is the ability to visually separate the strong from the weak, the smart from the stupid, the thinker from the follower, the alpha from the omega.

So don’t waste your time getting annoyed with these sheep.  Don’t let them take up space in your mind.

If they want to inhale unhealthy amounts of their own CO2, fuck em.  Let them get even dumber from a lack of oxygen to the brain.  Let them rot their own teeth out.

More spoils for us.  This is yet another example that there was Never A Better Time For Men.

Again, these people are dead inside.  They have made their choices based on that.

Let them bury their own dead.  Christ is King.  Talk soon.

PS:  It is primary season in many parts of the country.  It is the first since the 2020 presidential election was corrupted with fraud.  Our mission is to take over the Republican Party by voting ONLY for MAGA, America First candidates.  No election is too small; the smaller the better, actually.

It’s a grind with no instant gratification.  Some MAGA candidates will win, some will lose.  When we win, we celebrate.  When we lose, we call the winning GOP candidate’s campaign.

We ask if they will support a forensic hand recount like in Arizona.  If they will not commit to such, we make it clear they do not have our votes.  They cannot win without us.

The days of checking off ballots for every candidate with an (R) next to them is over.  No more lesser of two evils.

Change is sometimes painful.  However, as Nick Fuentes says, America First is inevitable.