Fight or Flight?

It’s a tough time for Catholics. We have had to live through pedophilia scandals and homosexual priest scandals.

Thankfully, the young priests and seminarians coming through are far more traditional than their predecessors of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s. However, we are stuck with a Pope who continues to insult and embarrass traditional Catholics.

This week, Francis Bergoglio approved the blessing of same sex couples. Once again, the laity is put on the defensive because of Vatican hierarchy.

To be clear, they are not allowed to get married, but can receive blessings. As usual with this Pope, the situation is vague rather than transparent.

The late Fr. Gabrial Amorth who was Rome’s head exorcist reported about a decade ago that Satan had infiltrated the Cardinals. As we see the true fighters like Cardinal Burke, Bishop Strickland, Fr. James Altman, Fr. Frank Pavone and many unknowns persecuted, silenced and/or removed, sodomites may be able to demand blessings.

What happens when a brave priest says no? You can bet those little bitches will tattle to the Bishop who is likely to side against that solid shepherd.

However, we the laity unfortunately deserve this. As exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger says, we get the leaders we deserve.

Nobody is more disgusted than me about the sodomy and pedophilia that was rampant in the priesthood. However, there are far more decent priests than evil ones.

Many use the scandals as their excuse to not practice their faith by attending Mass. But when was the last time you prayed for these men?

That means the solid ones AND the enemies of the Church. Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies and the good priests are under major attack by Satan.

Will you attend Mass this Sunday and again on Christmas? Or are you one of those larpers who goes around beating his chest about saying Merry Christmas rather than Happy Holidays?

I have news for you. If your Christmas consists of sitting in your PJs for 36 hours rather than getting dressed and getting the household to Mass, I wish you a happy homosolstice.

If you do get to Mass, I congratulate you. However, if you are a Chreaster you are ineligible for Communion unless you go to Confession first.

Christ wants us to come to Him, but when we receive Him in a state of mortal sin (missing Mass without good reason is a mortal sin) it is like we are crucifying Him again.

There is a reason that satanists practice black masses rather than the inversion of a Joel Olsteen production in an arena with people drinking coffee in football jerseys.

There is a reason they attempt to steal Eucharists to desecrate them. They do not attempt to steal the bread from protestant services because they know that bread is not the actual Body of Christ.

This is yet another reason that Holy Communion should be received on the tongue and never touched by the hands of the laity. That means we should NOT become lay Eucharistic ministers and we should NOT receive from one.

Why is the FBI targeting traditional Catholics, but not the audience at a John Hagee service? Is it because the FBI works for Satan, so they target his top opposition and Hagee is on the Israeli payroll?

Don’t get me wrong, if things continue in the direction they are going, the government will come for the protestants eventually too. But first, they want to decapitate Christianity by taking out the hard-core Catholics.

I hope to be wrong, but it seems Pope Francis in on this. So, what do we do about it?

There are two choices: run away or stand firm and fight. Running SEEMS easier.

If that is your choice, so be it but be honest with yourself. Are you running on principle or to justify laziness? Alright, the scandals are more than you can bare.

Well then, I hope you are not sending your children to school because child molestation is far higher amongst teachers than priests. What about youth sports?

Sugar Ray Leanard reported being molested by a trainer when he was a teenager. Gymnastics has had similar scandals. If this happened to world champions, it doesn’t happen on pee-wee travel teams?

Me? Nah! I will stand and fight for my faith. No sodomites or communists are running me out of the one true Church.

If I receive a blessing from a bad priest, I still get the blessing from God. I know regardless of the messenger; the Doctrine of the Faith is good and just. Jesus sometimes allows evil for a greater good.

He chose Judas Iscariot as one of his apostles (the first priests). He knew the entire time that Judas would betray Him to the high priests, who would then have Him nailed to the Cross.

Does the existence of Judas make the Gospels illegitimate? If not, how can evil men that for reasons beyond us Jesus allowed in His Church make it illegitimate?

We must pray for our priests, both good and bad. If we see something heretical like a homosexual blessing, we must stand up and point it out without fear.

Jesus told our first Pope that he was the rock on which He builds His Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against Her. He never promised us an easy road.

Quite the opposite. He promised us a hard road.

To follow Him, we must pick up our cross and carry it. As with anything worth having or fighting for, it cannot be easy.

There is no way out. There is no way around.

The only way is through. Talk soon.


PS: Merry Christamas to all.

Troops, Not Money

The illegitimate punch line occupying the White House has threatened to send U.S. troops into direct combat with Russia if Congress does not approve more taxpayer funds to be sent to Ukraine. First off: my hope is for peace worldwide and the avoidance of WWIII.

However, if given a choice between American troops who have signed up to be soldiers for a regime that has purged Trump supporters and the warrior class turning them from a killing machine into quadruple-boosted, godless, sodomitetranny defenders unfortunately being taken to the woodshed by a serious, masculine nation where Christianity is on the rise and more of our money being laundered through a nation led by a drugged out pervert who has insulted Catholics and outlawed the Orthodox Church, please send the troops.

I know that sounds harsh, but so is the way our government now treats us with their tyranny and allowing that homosexual midget in a sweatshirt to waive his finger in our faces while telling us he is entitled to our money.

Are there still patriots in our military? I am sure there are, and I hate not supporting them. However, there have been reports of National Guard helping illegal aliens across the Southern border.

I watched some of them take a knee to communist terrorists during the 2020 riots. They are no longer recruiting G.I. Joe. They are recruiting Emma with her 2 moms.

If that is strength, let them go out and show their stuff but hands-off our money. Do you agree? If so, call Congress and let them know how you feel.

Tell them to call the regime’s bluff and withhold the money. Make the hair sniffer own the carnage that would be sure to come.

If you are still waiving a Ukraine flag, please get over there and take on those Russians instead of inhaling beer and wings every Sunday.

Most importantly, pray for peace and the conversion of all to traditional Catholicism. Talk soon.


The Evils of Feminism

Feminism is straight out of the communist playbook. It is used to destroy the God’s natural order, the family and eventually society.

No, this is not a female-bashing article. Fr. Chad Ripperger, probably the nation’s top exorcist gave a talk regarding the poisons of feminism. It does not simply tell modern women that their priorities are out-of-whack.

It points out the complicity of men fueling this to allow for our complacency and the effeminacy we fight going back to the fall of Adam. This man fights Satan directly for a living.

One of the main ambitions of communism is the removal of God and his plan from society. That is why communists are satanic. They don’t need black robes and pentagrams.

They do the devil’s work by making you think neither he nor God exist. Enough from me. Let’s listen to the expert. Click this link.

Talk soon.


PS: Father gives several talks regarding God’s natural order regarding the family. I have found the following links to be free marriage counseling.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

You Are Not Exempt!

The current illegitimate regime is coming for all of us. Who me? Yeah, you!

Our current government is furious that We the People became force multipliers and removed a controlled opposition Speaker. As the 2024 election approaches, the regime is coming for all Trump Supporters.

Weh…weh…well, I didn’t do anything wrong. Neither did Donald Trump in challenging a stolen election, but they are trying to bankrupt and incarcerate him.

Well, I’m just a regular 9-5er who pays taxes and takes the kids to soccer. Congrats! They hate you!

According to the intelligence community, you are a potential domestic terrorist. Oh, that’s just ridiculous!

I know, I know. Here goes Marksman again buying into another conspiracy theory.

If you have been paying attention the last three years, the only difference between the truth and a conspiracy theory is about 6 months, but I digress.

Please, don’t take it from a fringe blogger. This is one of the few times I encourage you to go to the mainstream.

How about Newsweek? Is that mainstream enough for you? Please read the article in this link about how the FBI is viewing Trump supporters.

Oh well, thankfully I’m a cowardly Republican who uses my professed Christian faith to denounce Donald Trump and his abrasive demeanor. I vote for abortionists over Trump, so I’m good.

Oh yeah, Sally? Your “more palatable” neocon candidates will get rolled just the same as Trump by the DNC and their media but won’t have the backbone to slug it out.

So once the communists fully take over, you will be sitting next to that hillbilly Trump supporter in the gulag.

Not me, I vote Democrat hoping the pedo agenda doesn’t effect me. Uh-huh. Go study every communist regime in history and see how they treat their own.

Sorry Karen, they will have their way with you and your children too should they get unimpeded power.

So, what’s the answer? Number one-stop being a thin skinned baby, act like an adult and vote policy.

That means vote Trump like your life depends on it. It does! There is no reasoning with bullies.

You fight. We cannot fight with violence. They are dying for that. Fight with your vote and your agency.

Enough videos about who the enemies are. We know! The WEF, the ADL, our deep state, numerous other agencies and mainly Satan.

Forget about sending videos of whites and Christians and Trump supporters getting their asses beat. We know!

The solution is practicing your Catholic faith, praying, fasting, voting, running for office if possible, becoming a precinct committeeman or vote counter if possible. Be fit.

Be brave but smart. Remember, they are watching everyone. Watch what you say in text messages. Nothing that can be construed as violent.

Congregate in person instead. It’s healthy.

Don’t trust anyone who talks about committing violence or overthrowing the government. They are either stupid, Feds or both.

Holiday time is approaching. Don’t talk politics with family you disagree with. If they are still left after all we are facing, there’s no hope for them.

Pray for them. Also know that having political discussions with them may lead to them calling authorities on you whether you are a criminal or not.

Think that’s far-fetched? Read 1984. Oh, that’s fiction. Okay, go research how many January 6 defendants were turned in by family members.

If you remember one thing from this article, it is this: You Are Not Exempt! Talk soon.


A Man of Action!

Matt Gaetz is showing himself to possibly be one of the heroes of our time. Go back to January.

The GOP takes a slim majority in the House after more voter fraud turned a red waive into a red puddle. There is a fight over the Speakership.

All the normie norm Republicans who are fine with constantly taking a beating did not like the lack of cohesion. They feared that we could end up with a Democrat Speaker.

My feeling was the same then as it is now. I didn’t want Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. He is uni-party scum; always was.

Yes Boomers, McCarthy and his Fox News pompom girls hate you every bit as much as Klaus Schwab, Geroge Soros, the ADL, the DNC, Big Pharma and every other mainstream institution hate you. They think you are their slave class; they think you are stupid and when you speak with independent thought their instinct is: how dare you?!

This is why I saw no difference between McCarthy and Hakeem Jeffries. The only difference between the Democrats and the Republican establishment is that Democrats actually take action and use power when they get it.

Has the country improved under McCarthy? Yeah, there have been some hearings, but any subpoenas? Any defunding of the DOJ or Ukraine?

Nah! The Justice Department is fully funded to continue the daily routine of locking up MAGA grandmas and Catholic fighters praying outside the baby-butchering concentration camps while Ukraine with their fancy boy president continues to collect our money.

So back to January, a deal is made for McCarthy to become Speaker with the understanding that he would be removed if he did not do what the American people put him there to do.

They did not put him there to pass continuing resolution and continuing resolution. It never ends unless it is stopped.

After continuing to fund a tyrannical Federal agenda, Gaetz steps up and moves to oust McCarthy. It passes. Bye-bye Kevin.

Now, I have had people I respect who are objectively smarter than me say they feel this is bad move and makes us look divided and weak to our enemies. My feeling is that the Republican Party could not possibly look any weaker than it has for the last 35 years outside of a select few.

That select few, led by Gaetz is moving to drag the party from doormats to dominance. A few months ago, I saw Matt Gaetz on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

He said something that impressed me. As he was calling out the do-nothing RINOs, he also spoke about having a moment of self-reflection and realizing HE has also not been tenacious enough.

I remember when I read Teddy Atlas’ book, Atlas: From the Streets to the Ring: A Son’s Struggle to Become a Man. He talked about when George Foreman at 45 took the heavyweight title from his champion protege, Michael Moorer.

He saw Foreman run to the ring in the same trunks he wore when he lost the title to Muhammad Ali in Zaier. He spoke about how he saw that as Foreman facing his demons and felt that a man willing to confront what haunts him is a dangerous man.

Matt Gaetz seems to be doing the same on the political stage. This is why the establishment and all the betas in the donor wing of the GOP and fake tough guys at Fox are now so triggered by him.

As for who will replace McCarthy, you have heard names like Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan. Scalise is far too establishment for my liking.

Jordan in my opinion would be slightly better, but he takes Google money and has never shown the fight in the political realm that carried him to 2 NCAA wrestling championships and a win over John Smith (one of the best wrestlers in American history).

No, my choice is a long shot but our best shot: legitimate President Donald John Trump. How fantastic would it be for the hair sniffer to have to deal with his political rival directly without Chris Wallace there to save him?

Regardless of who becomes Speaker, Matt Gaetz has shown himself to be a man of action. Talk soon.



I have been hearing warnings about a major tribulation coming in the month of October. I have also heard about a miraculous sign from our Blessed Mother on October 13, the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima.

There is no need for me to say much here. I am going to link 2 videos below:

Video 1

Video 2

Now of course, there are plenty of internet hoaxes out there. But what if this is true? Why not be on the safe side?

Be not afraid says the Lord, but do take action. Be close to King Jesus Christ.

My plan for October? The usual: frequent, (possibly weekly in October) Confession, doing my best to stay in a state of Grace, daily Rosary and of course weekly Mass.

I would suggest all get to Confession this coming weekend. What do you have to lose? Talk soon.


We WANT A Shutdown!

You are probably hearing this whole dog-and-pony show nonsense about a government shutdown. If do-little globalist Kevin McCarthy cannot muster the votes to fund a continuing resolution the Federal government cannot run, at least not in its overly bloated totality.

First of all, I don’t think there will be a shutdown. As always, the media will blame the Republicans just like in 2018 when they blamed then and still legitimate President Donald J. Trump for the last shutdown. I also suspect that the GOP will cave with nothing significant given back like normal.

Remember when Trump caved to Pelosi without border wall funding? What was his excuse? He wanted the military to be paid, or something like that when we all know they would have been anyway?

Nah, let Emma with her 2 Moms and the rest of the booster and Biden lovers remaining as regime stormtroopers get what they signed up for. The country never misses a beat when the Fed shuts down.

What are we worried about? Police tape across the entrance of national parks? Oh no, we might not have enough agents at the border to let everyone in!

Uh-oh. The FBI can’t get overtime funded to round up all the pro-lifers and grandmas who took selfies in a building they own (which BTW continues daily).

If you feel like actually doing something, call Kevin McCarthy’s office and let them know that you do not want another dime given to the corrupted DOJ, Ukraine, Planned Parenthood, sodomite education or transportation and lodging for illegal alien invaders. The number is (202) 225-2915.

Of course, be assertive but respectful! No threats, no cursing. End your call with Christ is King.

We are Christ’s people: gentle as doves and cunning as serpents. We cannot out-hate the regime and we cannot win this war with violence.

Let it be known We the People embrace a government shutdown. The longer the better. Talk soon.


Not Gonna Cut It!

Above is a photo of Colorado female Congressman Lauren Boebert being kicked out of a theater where she was vaping, getting felt up by her boyfriend and giving him a hand job over his pants.

Now before I get started on the incident and my position on it, I will say that Boebert has been one of the better MAGA fighters in Congress. If she were running in my district, despite how I feel about female voting, let alone running for government I would be likely to vote for her.

She should ABSOLUTELY NOT step down from her seat in Congress. I do not care what the satanic left says or demands. To hell with them!

No more of this Republican high road garbage. I do not care what commies think. But I do care what Jesus thinks, which leads me to my take.

On a purely secular level, we do not need these unforced errors on the right. More importantly, if you have read this blog from its infancy you have seen it become militantly Catholic.

There are reasons for such. I have come to see that we cannot win this cultural war against tyranny without our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s intervention. I do not believe we can expect His intervention to save America unless we become hardcore faithful Catholics.

Boebert has recently gotten a divorce and is obviously publicly running around with a new guy. She is a mother. Behaving this way is not pleasing to Christ.

Just look at the way she is dressed in the picture. Is she a Hollywood harlot or a Congressional Representative? As Nick Fuentes was saying, there is too much of this in MAGA world.

Truth is, there was a time I was drawn in and entertained by the Boeberts and Fox News temptresses. Many of them claim to be Christians.

I imagine many think they are behaving as such. They are wrong.

Posting a Bible passage on Instaface on Sunday, then posing in a bikini with an AR-15 and 45 hat is not moving the needle any more than Mike Pence is by using his proclaimed Christian faith as an excuse to act like a traitor coward. Both are hypocrisies.

I now detest this behavior. These chicks acting like this is about as meaningful to our cause as the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders are to the organization’s quest for a championship.

I do not say this from a moral high ground as a I was once just an unfamous male version of Lauren Boebert. Thankfully, God’s Mercy is greater than any sin.

But the fact is we are in desperate times. Populist GOP elect need Christ far too much to be publicly violating the Sixth Commandment (though shalt not commit adultery).

Bobert is a fighter we currently need, but this is not gonna cut it! Talk soon.



As I write this article, it is 9/11/23. Obviously 9/11/01 is an infamous day in our history.

I remember the day well. In the follow-up, I acted like a fake tough guy. I can still recall sitting on barstools with my buddies saying things about how WE should kill all these terrorists and how WE should go into Iraq.

Who was WE??? I was of fighting age. I didn’t sign up. I didn’t donate any time or money to the aftermath. Nah, I treated it like sportsball. In fact, my main concern was when baseball was going to start back up.

One thing I did do, was go to Confession and begin my journey to traditional Catholicism.

I came to the realization of my hypocrisy during the Trump administration as I saw other fake tough guys talking about how WE need to go to war in Syria. Now the fake tough guys who cannot even do 10 push-ups want war with masculine societies like Russia.

However, in hindsight though I respect the warriors who served and dominated, I am glad I did not sign up for unjust wars. I have learned the evils of the Bush family I once supported with their Saudi ties, participation in Skull and Bones secret society and their patronage of Bohemian Grove where many of the political elite (especially Republicans) partake in sodomy and demonic worship.

I can recall writing off people who claimed that 9/11 was orchestrated by our own political class to launder money and create a Patriot Act which would eventually be used on patriots. I have since seen footage of Alex Jones predicting a terror attack orchestrated by our own government using Bin Laden as a scapegoat in July of 2001.

Oh, that’s a conspiracy theory. Okay, but it was once a conspiracy theory that the media gave debate questions to their preferred candidates. Then we found out CNN did it for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primary.

It was once a conspiracy theory that our own government created a virus to lock us down. It was once a conspiracy theory that those in power would use vaccine mandates to try to control the population.

It was once a conspiracy theory that MRNA vaccines would not work, but actually create new variants of the same virus. It seems the difference between conspiracy theories and the truth is simply time.

Jack Posobiec just today reminded us that 28 pages of reports show that two 9/11 hijackers tied to Saudi Arabia intelligence rented a room from an FBI informant in CA before the 9/11 attacks. The Director of the FBI covered this up for years. The Director’s name? Robert Mueller.

Our government continues to lie about 9/11. The illegitimate diaper soiler-in-chief today stated that he was at ground zero on 9/12/01. However, he was actually at the U.S. Senate.

Now, am I saying that 9/11 was completely an inside job? The truth is I don’t know.

But as Mike Cernovich pointed out today, skepticism is totally justified. One thing is for certain: our government will have a hard time staffing an orchestrated war with Russia at this point without a draft.

Too many of the masculine fighters needed have learned their lesson from the lies and shot mandates pushed by our government. I don’t think the tranny battalion can pull it off.

Anyway, skepticism is patriotism today. Talk soon.


America Being Eaten at Satan’s Table

I recently listened to a talk from American exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger. The link is here. In the talk, Father discusses the 5 demons who work directly under Satan. They are referred to in the realm of spiritual warfare as his 5 generals, or The Table.

One of the gifts of the Rite of Exorcism is that truths are often revealed in session. Once the Rite is approved by the Bishop, the demon or demons is/are at certain points bound to speak the truth even though they are liars by nature.

Sometimes our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or the Blessed Mother through the power given by her Son force the demons to reveal certain truths. One of the first things an exorcist priest will do once the Rite has been approved is work through prayer and commands with the authority given by Christ to force the demons to reveal themselves by name/names.

Demonic possession is rare, but it is not only Satan himself who possesses victims. When Lucifer fell, he took 1/3 of the angels with him. They are all demons. Just as there is a hierarchy of angels, the same applies to demons.

Possession cases often involve more than one demon. This is Biblical. Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” (Mark 5:9)

I urge you to listen to the entire talk by Father Ripperger. However, I am going to list the names of Satan’s 5 generals and briefly discuss the specific sins each specializes in tempting/destroying us and society with.

Please note: the purpose here is to create awareness, not fixation. You do not want to attempt to communicate or directly engage with these entities in any way.

The best way to battle these minions is by living your Catholic Faith which involves regular Mass, fasting and frequent Confession. The demonic attaches itself to us through sin, so we must do our best to stay in God’s Grace. To do so, we need the Sacraments.

So, let’s get to the list of Satan’s 5 generals and their MOs.:


This is the demon of impurity. We are constantly tempted to commit sinful sexual acts. However, after Vatican II, you had the free love movement of the 1960’s. This led to increase in divorce and cohabitation.

In fact, the Boomer elite preached to Gen-X constantly not to rush into marriage and to “play the field.”

This did not mean bring a different girl to next week’s sock hop. It meant go out and fornicate before settling down.

Now, it is not abnormal for a couple to be living together in the same bed in their late teens/early 20’s under a parent’s roof. As the normalization of fornication has increased, so has the divorce rate.


This is the demon of homosexuality in men. This used to be considered to the disorder that it is.

It is now not only normalized but promoted. Our boys are being groomed by the NEA to become sodomites. Even the seminaries were infiltrated by this starting in the 1960s.


This is the demon of female homosexuality, the butch-type. Our nation has been destroyed by the attack on the family.

Feminism has caused women to think that success is in their profession rather than being nurturers. Birth rates amongst American citizens are way down. We have been tricked by this demon into placing the merit of our little girls on competitive sports rather than homemaking.

Isn’t little Julie really growing in her independence by hitting that 3-pointer? I’m not sure. Does she know how to boil water?

BTW-the modern Chruch also seems to have been attacked by this demon evident by female Eucharistic ministers, lectors and altar servers. I can recall some relativist Catholic school nuns that in hindsight may have been influenced by him.


This is the demon of the seductive type of lesbianism. The porn industry is littered with this. Female strippers performing lesbian acts is now commonplace. The rising consensual adultery of group sex and swingers is likely manipulated by this demon.


This is the demon of child sacrifice. Abortion, normalized pedophilia, open borders, child trafficking, puberty blockers and child genital mutilation are all poisons in today’s society.

As we are beaten over the head with the constant comparisons of every right-wing movement to the atrocities of the Holocaust which ended about 75 years ago, we have butchered over 60,000,000 unborn babies in this country since 1973.

So, there you have Satan’s 5 generals. America appears to be the main course on his Table.

Satan cannot operate without God’s permission. As we turn our backs on Christ for obsession with entertainment, acceptance of the mainstream, college admissions, youth sports and whatever other uselessness, we empower the demonic.

We need Christ’s intervention to save this country in 2024. I don’t know what His plans are for this nation.

What I do know is that we are more likely to receive Jesus’ intervention against worldly evil if we stop indulging in the lies of spiritual evil. Talk soon.
