I Side with My King

The horrible violence in the Middle East has many choosing sides between Hamas and Israel. There was a time not at all long ago when I would have plainly sided with Israel.

Afterall, the if you read the Bible it is crystal clear that the Jews are God’s chosen people. Moses, Aaron, King David, Mary, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all the apostles are Jewish.

Muslims are descendants of Ishmael, Abraham’s illegitimate son. Muhammed is a false prophet and therefore a demonic entity.

To be clear, there are people of both faiths that I know and have high regard for. I am just speaking the truth.

I have come to realize a few things over the years when it comes to my blind support of Israel. There is Talmudic extremism as well as Islamic.

They hate Christians every bit as much as the jihadists. They may not behead Christians, but I have recently seen video of Hassidic Jews spitting in the presence of Christians in Israel.

I have to wonder where all these evangelicals who roll out a red carpet on their networks for Rabbis that don’t accept Christ as the Messiah but have little-to-no use for the Blessed Mother or discussion with Catholic Priests are on this issue.

Talmudic extremists are not in line with the heroes of the Bible. They are the modern-day Sanhedrin.

Criticize a Muslim and you will be called a xenophobe. Criticize a Jew and you will be called an antisemite.

You may also be pressured to go to a Holocaust Museum even if your ancestors bled and died defeating Hitler. The ADL doesn’t care.

They think gentiles are cattle meant to serve them. Mock Christianity and the consequences are largely non-existent.


Just from a purely political standpoint, the success of these attacks just don’t make sense. Israel has the best Itelligence in the world. They got caught by surprise? Hmm…

Vax tyrannist Netanyahu is struggling to keep power. What better way than to allow an attack to justify a war?

Then you have the same globalist death cult that orchestrated war in Ukraine licking their chops over more death all around the world. Take a look at world leaders who take their orders from Davos.

The current illegitimate American administration just left an arsenal of weapons in the hands of the Taliban before sending billions to Iran. Oh! They must be pro-Palestine like their communist BLM foot soldiers right?

Not exactly! While enabling these terrorist savages, the current clown show “Administration” has an enormous number of Jews who have dual citizenship with Israel.

The Republican establishment is just as bad. You have fancy boy Lindsey Graham calling for all-out war and the levelling of entire communities. That means innocent civilian children.

As Mike Cernovich pointed out this week, is that a pro-life message? Will any of these war hawks be fighting or sending their sons?

Doesn’t make sense right? Sure does to me. They are not pro-Palestine. They are not pro-Israel. They are pro-death.

They are anti-American and Anti-Christian. This is the reason for the targeting of patriots and traditional Catholics.

We know this would not all be happening under legitimate President Donald J. Trump. Trump was the President of peace.

He would not give the globalists their new forever wars. All military strikes were targeted and concise. That is one of the biggest reasons they had to remove him.

Prayer for Conversion

We are likely in the beginning of a major tribulation. Satan’s people are bombarding us with war, death, disease, tyranny from all angles.

The time for conversion is here. The faithful must pray, fast and do penance for peace and conversion.

We must pray for all non-Christians to come to Christ. That means Muslims, Jews, atheists, everyone.

We Christians also need our own conversion. We must turn away from being lukewarm.

The Catholic Church faces its own tribulation as traditional and faithful Cardinals, Bishops and priests are persecuted by a globalist Pope and his rogue Cardinals. We must pray for the conversion of that latter. We must pray for all Christians to re-unite under the leadership of the one true Church built by Christ on St. Peter.

So, no! I do not side with Hamas. I do not side with Palestine. I do not side with Israel or buy into media propaganda.

I side with King Jesus Christ. Talk soon.


PS: Friday is the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. Some have said there will be a miraculous sign by our Blessed Mother at the Will of our Lord. Keep your eyes peeled.

You Are Not Exempt!

The current illegitimate regime is coming for all of us. Who me? Yeah, you!

Our current government is furious that We the People became force multipliers and removed a controlled opposition Speaker. As the 2024 election approaches, the regime is coming for all Trump Supporters.

Weh…weh…well, I didn’t do anything wrong. Neither did Donald Trump in challenging a stolen election, but they are trying to bankrupt and incarcerate him.

Well, I’m just a regular 9-5er who pays taxes and takes the kids to soccer. Congrats! They hate you!

According to the intelligence community, you are a potential domestic terrorist. Oh, that’s just ridiculous!

I know, I know. Here goes Marksman again buying into another conspiracy theory.

If you have been paying attention the last three years, the only difference between the truth and a conspiracy theory is about 6 months, but I digress.

Please, don’t take it from a fringe blogger. This is one of the few times I encourage you to go to the mainstream.

How about Newsweek? Is that mainstream enough for you? Please read the article in this link about how the FBI is viewing Trump supporters.

Oh well, thankfully I’m a cowardly Republican who uses my professed Christian faith to denounce Donald Trump and his abrasive demeanor. I vote for abortionists over Trump, so I’m good.

Oh yeah, Sally? Your “more palatable” neocon candidates will get rolled just the same as Trump by the DNC and their media but won’t have the backbone to slug it out.

So once the communists fully take over, you will be sitting next to that hillbilly Trump supporter in the gulag.

Not me, I vote Democrat hoping the pedo agenda doesn’t effect me. Uh-huh. Go study every communist regime in history and see how they treat their own.

Sorry Karen, they will have their way with you and your children too should they get unimpeded power.

So, what’s the answer? Number one-stop being a thin skinned baby, act like an adult and vote policy.

That means vote Trump like your life depends on it. It does! There is no reasoning with bullies.

You fight. We cannot fight with violence. They are dying for that. Fight with your vote and your agency.

Enough videos about who the enemies are. We know! The WEF, the ADL, our deep state, numerous other agencies and mainly Satan.

Forget about sending videos of whites and Christians and Trump supporters getting their asses beat. We know!

The solution is practicing your Catholic faith, praying, fasting, voting, running for office if possible, becoming a precinct committeeman or vote counter if possible. Be fit.

Be brave but smart. Remember, they are watching everyone. Watch what you say in text messages. Nothing that can be construed as violent.

Congregate in person instead. It’s healthy.

Don’t trust anyone who talks about committing violence or overthrowing the government. They are either stupid, Feds or both.

Holiday time is approaching. Don’t talk politics with family you disagree with. If they are still left after all we are facing, there’s no hope for them.

Pray for them. Also know that having political discussions with them may lead to them calling authorities on you whether you are a criminal or not.

Think that’s far-fetched? Read 1984. Oh, that’s fiction. Okay, go research how many January 6 defendants were turned in by family members.

If you remember one thing from this article, it is this: You Are Not Exempt! Talk soon.



I have been hearing warnings about a major tribulation coming in the month of October. I have also heard about a miraculous sign from our Blessed Mother on October 13, the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima.

There is no need for me to say much here. I am going to link 2 videos below:

Video 1

Video 2

Now of course, there are plenty of internet hoaxes out there. But what if this is true? Why not be on the safe side?

Be not afraid says the Lord, but do take action. Be close to King Jesus Christ.

My plan for October? The usual: frequent, (possibly weekly in October) Confession, doing my best to stay in a state of Grace, daily Rosary and of course weekly Mass.

I would suggest all get to Confession this coming weekend. What do you have to lose? Talk soon.


Not Gonna Cut It!

Above is a photo of Colorado female Congressman Lauren Boebert being kicked out of a theater where she was vaping, getting felt up by her boyfriend and giving him a hand job over his pants.

Now before I get started on the incident and my position on it, I will say that Boebert has been one of the better MAGA fighters in Congress. If she were running in my district, despite how I feel about female voting, let alone running for government I would be likely to vote for her.

She should ABSOLUTELY NOT step down from her seat in Congress. I do not care what the satanic left says or demands. To hell with them!

No more of this Republican high road garbage. I do not care what commies think. But I do care what Jesus thinks, which leads me to my take.

On a purely secular level, we do not need these unforced errors on the right. More importantly, if you have read this blog from its infancy you have seen it become militantly Catholic.

There are reasons for such. I have come to see that we cannot win this cultural war against tyranny without our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s intervention. I do not believe we can expect His intervention to save America unless we become hardcore faithful Catholics.

Boebert has recently gotten a divorce and is obviously publicly running around with a new guy. She is a mother. Behaving this way is not pleasing to Christ.

Just look at the way she is dressed in the picture. Is she a Hollywood harlot or a Congressional Representative? As Nick Fuentes was saying, there is too much of this in MAGA world.

Truth is, there was a time I was drawn in and entertained by the Boeberts and Fox News temptresses. Many of them claim to be Christians.

I imagine many think they are behaving as such. They are wrong.

Posting a Bible passage on Instaface on Sunday, then posing in a bikini with an AR-15 and 45 hat is not moving the needle any more than Mike Pence is by using his proclaimed Christian faith as an excuse to act like a traitor coward. Both are hypocrisies.

I now detest this behavior. These chicks acting like this is about as meaningful to our cause as the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders are to the organization’s quest for a championship.

I do not say this from a moral high ground as a I was once just an unfamous male version of Lauren Boebert. Thankfully, God’s Mercy is greater than any sin.

But the fact is we are in desperate times. Populist GOP elect need Christ far too much to be publicly violating the Sixth Commandment (though shalt not commit adultery).

Bobert is a fighter we currently need, but this is not gonna cut it! Talk soon.


The Brown Scapular

In my last article, I wrote about Satan’s top 5 generals and how America has given itself to them. Of course, the primary goal of the devil and his minions is to take as many of us to Hell to be tortured by/with them as they can.

In this article, I am going to talk about a sure way to avoid Hell and drastically shorten our time in Purgatory. About a month ago, I enrolled into the Brown Scapular Confraternity.

I can already hear the groans of my protestant readers. Here go these Catholics treating their icons as magic wands.

It is not as simple as throwing on a scapular and living any way you want. You must stick to a chaste and prayerful life to receive the benefit. Read this link for the details of enrollment, the requirements, the promises and the history.

I have heard it said that if you enroll in the Brown Scapular, you will either run from mortal sin or you will take it off. I have no plans of taking it off. Talk soon.


America Being Eaten at Satan’s Table

I recently listened to a talk from American exorcist, Fr. Chad Ripperger. The link is here. In the talk, Father discusses the 5 demons who work directly under Satan. They are referred to in the realm of spiritual warfare as his 5 generals, or The Table.

One of the gifts of the Rite of Exorcism is that truths are often revealed in session. Once the Rite is approved by the Bishop, the demon or demons is/are at certain points bound to speak the truth even though they are liars by nature.

Sometimes our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or the Blessed Mother through the power given by her Son force the demons to reveal certain truths. One of the first things an exorcist priest will do once the Rite has been approved is work through prayer and commands with the authority given by Christ to force the demons to reveal themselves by name/names.

Demonic possession is rare, but it is not only Satan himself who possesses victims. When Lucifer fell, he took 1/3 of the angels with him. They are all demons. Just as there is a hierarchy of angels, the same applies to demons.

Possession cases often involve more than one demon. This is Biblical. Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” (Mark 5:9)

I urge you to listen to the entire talk by Father Ripperger. However, I am going to list the names of Satan’s 5 generals and briefly discuss the specific sins each specializes in tempting/destroying us and society with.

Please note: the purpose here is to create awareness, not fixation. You do not want to attempt to communicate or directly engage with these entities in any way.

The best way to battle these minions is by living your Catholic Faith which involves regular Mass, fasting and frequent Confession. The demonic attaches itself to us through sin, so we must do our best to stay in God’s Grace. To do so, we need the Sacraments.

So, let’s get to the list of Satan’s 5 generals and their MOs.:


This is the demon of impurity. We are constantly tempted to commit sinful sexual acts. However, after Vatican II, you had the free love movement of the 1960’s. This led to increase in divorce and cohabitation.

In fact, the Boomer elite preached to Gen-X constantly not to rush into marriage and to “play the field.”

This did not mean bring a different girl to next week’s sock hop. It meant go out and fornicate before settling down.

Now, it is not abnormal for a couple to be living together in the same bed in their late teens/early 20’s under a parent’s roof. As the normalization of fornication has increased, so has the divorce rate.


This is the demon of homosexuality in men. This used to be considered to the disorder that it is.

It is now not only normalized but promoted. Our boys are being groomed by the NEA to become sodomites. Even the seminaries were infiltrated by this starting in the 1960s.


This is the demon of female homosexuality, the butch-type. Our nation has been destroyed by the attack on the family.

Feminism has caused women to think that success is in their profession rather than being nurturers. Birth rates amongst American citizens are way down. We have been tricked by this demon into placing the merit of our little girls on competitive sports rather than homemaking.

Isn’t little Julie really growing in her independence by hitting that 3-pointer? I’m not sure. Does she know how to boil water?

BTW-the modern Chruch also seems to have been attacked by this demon evident by female Eucharistic ministers, lectors and altar servers. I can recall some relativist Catholic school nuns that in hindsight may have been influenced by him.


This is the demon of the seductive type of lesbianism. The porn industry is littered with this. Female strippers performing lesbian acts is now commonplace. The rising consensual adultery of group sex and swingers is likely manipulated by this demon.


This is the demon of child sacrifice. Abortion, normalized pedophilia, open borders, child trafficking, puberty blockers and child genital mutilation are all poisons in today’s society.

As we are beaten over the head with the constant comparisons of every right-wing movement to the atrocities of the Holocaust which ended about 75 years ago, we have butchered over 60,000,000 unborn babies in this country since 1973.

So, there you have Satan’s 5 generals. America appears to be the main course on his Table.

Satan cannot operate without God’s permission. As we turn our backs on Christ for obsession with entertainment, acceptance of the mainstream, college admissions, youth sports and whatever other uselessness, we empower the demonic.

We need Christ’s intervention to save this country in 2024. I don’t know what His plans are for this nation.

What I do know is that we are more likely to receive Jesus’ intervention against worldly evil if we stop indulging in the lies of spiritual evil. Talk soon.


Our Mother’s Warning

Our Blessed Mother has warned us numerous times that we must repent from our evil ways. At Fatima, Mary revealed that the sins that cause most souls to go to hell are sins of the flesh.

Obviously, sodomy and pedophilia are complete abominations in the eyes of our Lord. However, heterosexual adult sins of the flesh are also mortal.

That means sex outside of Holy Matrimony, masturbation, pornography, etc. are all mortal sins. This is yet another reason that conservathots are not good for our cause to take back society.

Reading that may make you feel like a finger is being pointed at you. If so, three are being pointed at me as I have committed PLENTY of sins.

Our Lady gives us several ways to fight our temptations. Fasting, frequent Confession, praying the Rosary, observing First Fridays and First Saturdays, turning to Jesus’ Precious Blood, enrolling in the brown scapular are all ways to combat impurity. No fight can be won without sacrifice.

In the video linked here, Fr. Chris Alar explains how Our Laday’s warnings at Akita reinforce those at Fatima if we do not repent as a Body of Christ. Talk soon.


Beware of Conservathots

We on the right must beware of conservathots. I recently heard Nick Fuentes talking about these types and how dangerous they are to our cause.

What is a conservathot?, you may ask.

Well, first we must define what a thot is. Thot is an internet term for a woman who is promiscuous or sexually provocative.

She is basically an opportunist who uses her sexuality for attention and/or gain of some kind. She is a floozy.

The conservative movement has been loaded with them for decades. Above is Kimberly Guilfoyle. No doubt, she is attractive. She used to be on Fox News and I was a fan.

Is she a true conservative? I don’t know; she probably is.

However, she used to be married to communist California Governor Gavin Newsom. Then she was linked to Anthony Scaramucci around the time he was working for President Donald J. Trump.

Now she is Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend. While on Fox, she no doubt sold every bit of her sexuality.

She can be seen at Trump rallies talking like a cheerleader and embarrassingly dancing on the stage like some kind of clothed pole swinger. I get the feeling she is an opportunist.

These women are all over conservative media. Roger Ailes hired many of them onto Fox, then got the Me Too treatment (to be fair Guilfoyle was not one of the traitors) when it became lucrative.

Conservative social media is LOADED with “conservative” women posting Bible passages followed by a photo in a patriotic bikini holding an AR-15.

Which is it, because those two things do not coincide. Many are Fed honeypots.

You may even see it at your corporate job. The female Vice President who acts like one of the boys and got to the top on merit openly sobs and has to be consoled when she doesn’t get that promotion to Senior VP. All that girl power disappears.

Guilfoyle may be a true fighter for our cause. But she is going about it all wrong.

Public sexy dancing is not what we need. She should do that behind closed doors for her husband if he likes that. Candace Owens is extremely attractive, but dresses modest and rose on her content rather than seduction.

We need public female modesty that serves Christ to win the country and the culture back. Anything else is tripwire.

I know this firsthand because in my younger days, I dated many self-proclaimed “Republican” women and boy did I trip over that wire!

Some were overall decent. Most acted just like any liberal Karen when they did not get their way. But that’s what I deserved for valuing the world over Jesus Christ.

The truth is I was just a male version of a conservathot. I constantly fed into pride and ego living some paradox of Catholic on Sunday, beta bad boy the rest of the week.

Cool paradoxical characters can only win in the movies where the writer can have their good side come through right before the credits roll. In real life it makes us lukewarm and we will be spat out by our Lord.

My old behavior now makes me sick. Our victory is in Christ and nowhere else.

Conservathots, intentional or not are simply running interference for Satan. Talk soon.


Time To Get Serious!

Happy 4th of July. I hope everyone enjoyed their cook-outs and watermelon and iced cream.

As I write this from an undisclosed liberal hellhole overrun by bums, illegals and worst-of-all: yuppies willing to trade their dignity for iPhones, pot and a laundry list of secular pleasures, I figure now is the time people will start looking for fireworks.

Firework shows do nothing for me anymore. The idea of going to some park to watch them surrounded by normies who think the idea of masculinity is being obese and watching sports gives me a headache.

I mean, what are we celebrating today? Independence declared by exceptional men who are sold to our children in schools as nothing more than evil white slave masters?

Everything they won is being torn down. We are no longer a serious nation.

Today’s political right, most of MAGA included is probably left of 1992 Bill Clinton. That’s not going to get it done.

We will need Divine intervention to save this nation. To receive such, we will have to get serious about our Christian faith.

Why should Jesus step in for us if we don’t step up for Him? We must become militant in our faith.

Taylor Marshall lays out a pretty good platform for us in this link. Talk soon.


Pray For This Fighter

Above is Bishop Joseph Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas. He is one of our finest Bishops.

Unlike most placed in his position, he is an outspoken fighter for causes most truly devout Catholics feel the Church has abandoned them on. He has been outspoken about globalist agendas like shot mandates.

He has challenged questionable-at-best positions of Pope Francis Bergoglio.

He is the type of leader that those of us on fire for the Faith are thirsting for. Just recently, he led a prayer rally in Democrat hellhole Los Angeles where the Dodgers were honoring a group of satanic sodomites.

“Coincidentally”, just after the prayer rally, the Vatican is now investigating Bishop Strickland. The list of high-profile fighter priests being chastised by the hierarchy for speaking too much truth continues to grow as the Bishop now joins men like Father James Altman and laicized (Father) Frank Pavone.

We must fight for these fighters. If you have a priest in your parish or diocese like this, make sure to always support him with your encouragement and by relentlessly letting his superiors know how much you value him.

Most of all, pray for them. Satan is always on the attack when it comes to strong priests.

I am asking every reader to pray a Rosary for Bishop Joseph Strickland. It’s the least we can do for those who sacrifice themselves for us.

Please! Pray for this fighter. Talk soon.


PS: For more about Bishop Strickland, watch this stream from Dr. Taylor Marhsall.